View Full Version : Just a rant and looking for some support

15-08-14, 06:01
I'm not really used to full blown panic attacks.

The ones I get are causative normally. I'll be obsessively thinking about a particular symptom, and then it'll seem worse and worse, til I freak out, then I get a little scared, and it's over, and it's all better.

But there are some night panic attacks I get lately that scare the unholy hell out of me. They feel like a shot of straight adrenaline. I'm asleep and then suddenly I'm bolt awake. This evening was the same.

I woke up at 5am, I was immediately very awake. I started scrambling for my laptop to calm down and distract myself. I felt my heart rate at 140. I freaked out and went for my phone. Heart rate 160. Or maybe 180. Or 140. I don't even know but it was thumping so hard and so fast I was confused why my breathing was absolutely fine.

I stood up, and feeling hot flashes all over, went to the bedroom my partner was sleeping in, though my heart rate did not elevate. I woke him, telling him to call an ambulance. He told me to calm down. I told him this wasn't normal, and call an ambulance. He said it was totally normal. I was calming down but my heart rate was not. It lasted about 30 seconds as I sat down, and then it begun to tumble down, 120, 110, 100.. 90.. 80. He said "See? It's a panic attack. If it was an arrhythmia it would've been like an on/off switch. Not a gradual comedown from a panic attack."

I've never been so freaked out. It was so fast. Has anyone else had this type of attack? I was expecting to be gasping for air, but I wasn't breathless at all, I was breathing normally. I had no other symptoms, just heightened fear and my heart beat not being out of control but being very fast, and very hard.

15-08-14, 06:49
That sounds like a pretty standard panic attack to me. It's exactly what I get and I've had one with a Holter monitor on too - confirmed it wasn't an arrhythmia.

15-08-14, 15:41
Hi TofuMama

I have had this exact experience too and, just like Sputnikmoon, managed to catch an episode as I wore a Holter monitor - feels awful but truly nothing to worry about.

Being on 'high alert' with adrenaline and cortisol racing around your body can cause this. As you begin to relax the symptoms will lessen, I promise.

Lisa x

16-08-14, 03:48
Thanks a lot. :)

16-08-14, 05:14
I have had this from a dead sleep at 3 in the morning more than once. Your subconscious is very active at night and during sleep. It is a classic panic attack and nothing more (although they are terrible I have had on and off for years and they are back with a vengeance) You will be fine. Try not to fight it but to turn into it and face it and it seems to lose steam for me.

16-08-14, 16:07
I used to have this happen to me all the time tofumama, exactly as you describe it. The key thing that helped me was saying to myself that its only a panic attack, Im not going to die over and over and taking some controlled breaths in and out to try and slow my heart down. I know how you feel though, it is the scariest thing in the world.