View Full Version : Holiday anxiety ? Advice please

Down and out
15-08-14, 17:14
Just been away for a 5 day break with my wife and boys and found my anxiety was at an all time high , it got so bad some days I made excuses not to do stuff which really upset me as my children were super happy to be away and to have daddy home from work , been suffering for a while now and was wondering if it was because I was out of my comfort zone as the wife calls it ? Have been odd diazipam for 3 weeks now but was really tempted to take some .

15-08-14, 18:00
There are much better meds to take for anxiety than benzos,such as anti depressants that have the added effect of calming you down.
I think holidays can be quite stressful if you have anxiety so don't be too hard on yourself.
I would have a chat with your doctor about some alternatives,or a referral for some CBT.