View Full Version : Had a horrible couple of days

15-08-14, 21:46
I'm not asking for advice and please nobody feel obliged to reply, I'm just thuroughly miserable and need to write it down.
I've been taking quetiapine, but such a small dose, becasue it makes me feel so horrible, but it does make me a bit better the next day. Then I had a panic free day, which happened to be the same day in which my ex (who left me for another guy) contacted me trying to be friends again. Angrily I told where to go, so she unfriended me on facebook so now she's out of my life forever, which made me miserable both with missing her and on the good times and full of doubt and regret that i did the right thing, but its too late now. still, feeling super depressed all day was like a picnic compared to feeling terrified all day. but then today, the panic attacks have made a welcopme return. great, i thought the quetapine was starting to work, i've taken a step backwards. i'd have to up the dose to, but it makes me feel so horrible even on this tiny dose.
all these friends i've lost, all the things in my life that are gone forever. the futrue feels a complete blank, i'm stuck at home living off my parents, no job i could possibly manage, little to no friends left, a shadow of the person i used to be, greiving of all the good things and people in my life that are now gone forever and even my own family, the only people who have always been here, even they won't be around forever.
sorry, i just needed to express my misery, i may re-read this later and delete it if it was inappropiate to write

15-08-14, 22:12
James it isn't inappropriate to write at all and it does us good to get our feelings out on paper. It sounds like you have been going through some emotional turmoil lately and this has left you feeling really down and depressed. Try to rationalise your thoughts and plan positive things for your future. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

16-08-14, 21:29
Sending you and your cat hugs :D

16-08-14, 21:30
Thank you James :)

16-08-14, 21:51
Hi James
Sorry things have been difficult for you recently,but you never know what's round the corner,good things happen too.
Last year it seemed that everything was going wrong for me and members of my family,but things can make unexpected turns and things are much better now.
Sending you best wishes. :)

17-08-14, 15:41
I'm not asking for advice and please nobody feel obliged to reply, I'm just thuroughly miserable and need to write it down.
I've been taking quetiapine, but such a small dose, becasue it makes me feel so horrible, but it does make me a bit better the next day. Then I had a panic free day, which happened to be the same day in which my ex (who left me for another guy) contacted me trying to be friends again. Angrily I told where to go, so she unfriended me on facebook so now she's out of my life forever, which made me miserable both with missing her and on the good times and full of doubt and regret that i did the right thing, but its too late now. still, feeling super depressed all day was like a picnic compared to feeling terrified all day. but then today, the panic attacks have made a welcopme return. great, i thought the quetapine was starting to work, i've taken a step backwards. i'd have to up the dose to, but it makes me feel so horrible even on this tiny dose.
all these friends i've lost, all the things in my life that are gone forever. the futrue feels a complete blank, i'm stuck at home living off my parents, no job i could possibly manage, little to no friends left, a shadow of the person i used to be, greiving of all the good things and people in my life that are now gone forever and even my own family, the only people who have always been here, even they won't be around forever.
sorry, i just needed to express my misery, i may re-read this later and delete it if it was inappropiate to write
Never heard of that drug how small a dose do you take doc gave me sertaline I was suppose to take 25mg but I did it twice felt so bad I stepped back a week later I tried but chopped it to 12.5 which I have done for two weeks. Was suppose to up it tomorrow to 25mg but had a crap morning this morning so don't no if I dare. Now xx

17-08-14, 19:29
Thanks guys. Ive been on sertraline for many years. Im on the smallest possible dose of quetiapine 25mg, but I find even that a bit much so I only take a quarter of a pill. Its something I recomend to people with panic disorder as in the last few days since I started this thread its now been giving me many hours of relief from fear and panic attacks (touches wood). If you ever do take it I must warn you that its one of those treatments that to begin with is unpleasant and can make you feel worse, but if you take it everyday your body starts getting used to it and your fear and anxiety begins to gradually (but noticebly) reduce. Think of it like rubbing cream in a wound, makes the wound hurt more the first few times but then you see and feel it healing.
Best of luck

17-08-14, 20:00
Hi James
I'm on a similar med,Olanzapine, which I take in a small dose(5ml) every night,and ,like you say,its a real help with anxiety.
It was only when I had this slotted in with my other meds,that I began to notice a real difference. :)