View Full Version : Great day today feeling good

15-08-14, 23:27
15 years of hell and guess what joined here last night read the CBT program available here and had my first free from dizzy spells day at work in a very long time:)
Okay early days small steps first although feeling very positive normally have easily 20 plus attacks a day only had two small ones today but just kept saying its only adrenalin its not going to kill me.
Biggest achievement today was at the local shop rather than wait for it being empty and get in and out as quickly as possible I managed to go straight in and browse the panic was there but staying that bit longer made me feel good .
I know Its going to be a challenge but hey the last 15 years have been a nightmare and my body has taken a pounding from attacks I think I now deserve a break from it.
Cant wait for tomorrow bring it on:D

15-08-14, 23:56

16-08-14, 15:19
what a great, positive attitude! congratulations, Johnny, and remember you only get to live life one day at a time, make each one count!

16-08-14, 16:03
well done johny, that's great to hear. I agree with yiannis, live one day at a time, focus on the now.

16-08-14, 19:45
Thank you for the replies:) Yes first time in ages I can use the word "Positive" its feels good and liberating today has been okay so far only had one small attack by all things unloading the dishwasher rather than let it get a hold just ignored it and carried on my chest was crushing but got through it.
The CBT program is proving affective as you may know it also involves bringing on attacks to prove it wont kill you although trying to bring on an attack is proving hard which I find bizarre considering I could not go an hour before without having an attack:huh:
Kept this condition to myself for 15 years thinking it was only me it affected unfortunately I live and work around a small town mentality were any talk of mental health issues is met with negativity.
Hopefully or should I say It will help me being on this site to map my journey to freedom from attacks if there's bad days then will share them as well and if anyone wants advice on attacks I have 15 years of experiences to share.
I do hope you follow my journey and also achieve the same goal of freedom we all deserve it.

16-08-14, 20:08
I understand what you say about a small town mentality.

I first developed anxiety issues when I was 15 and growing up in a small island. I never really got the extent to which everybody gossiped about my condition, I am sure they did and they must have pretty vile things to say. They would see me cross the therapist's door and they'd start discussing and contemplating what's wrong.

It's disgusting, to be honest, and one of the purest manifestations of evil in our societies. Gossiping about a fellow human who is going through hard times, discarding him as a failure or outcast.

16-08-14, 21:00
Yiannis Yes sometimes I felt like shouting out hey I am johny I suffer from panic attacks and let them have their 5 minutes of gossip fame but knew small town gossip never goes away so just kept it locked up.
I have always thought these people who spread hurtful gossip are only deflecting their own social insecurities or maybe they were just born with an evil social gene.
I take faith that everyone on this site has higher levels of anxiety than most making us all caring people we worry about small things worrying can also be classed as caring.
I know one thing the day I overcome my issues is the day I don't join the small town gossip club but use my own experience's to help others.

16-08-14, 21:09
Good for you, thinking the way you do. Someone has to stand up and change the rules of the game.