View Full Version : I am a survivor. And soon you will be too.

15-08-14, 23:54
Hi. This may seem like an odd post but I have decided to go ahead with it anyway.

I was tempted to ask to join NoMorePanic as a volunteer but decided that I would post on here first instead.

7 years ago after kicking a drug habit I developed panic attacks and anxiety. These lasted a year or so and when they were at their worst I was experience extreme panics 2-4 times a day. symptomse of feelings and symptoms was enormous and at their worst I found myself going to hospitals and ringing 999 to try to get help. I believed strongly a lot of the time that I was dying of some strange illness. I also developed social anxiety and health aniety as well as being depressed with some OCD tendencies. Dealing with these panic attacks for so long and being so worried they would last forever I decided one day I was going to have to kill myself in order to escape. Fortunately I managed to survive my attempt at ending my life and eventually I managed to beat the demon that was Panic Attacks. How exactly I beat them I am not 100% sure of but I did find some strength inside myself and that, and a massive change in my circumatances, allowed me to cure myself of the disease. I do know however that finally believing with 100% conviction that it was only a Panic Attack I was dealing with ia what started me on my road to recovery...

My reason for posting this is to let you guys know that you CAN get through these panic attcks. I am living proof of that. I waa at a point where I was 100% covinced that I would never get out of the cycle BUT I did and I you can too. I also wanted to let you know that I am here if anybody wants to chat or ask questions. This is because no matter how alone you feel or how many symptoms/feelings you are feeling. I have felt them too. During my panic attacks I went through ao many different symptons and emotions so I doubt there is anything you're feeling that I haven't felt myself.

So guys if you wanna chat or have any questions then please comment or pm me and remember that YOU CAN WIN!!!!!!

16-08-14, 01:45
Hello, I would love someone to talk to!

16-08-14, 05:09
This is awesome. My panic attacks have returned due to some stress at work and they seem worse than ever. The symptom that is the worst is the feeling that I am going crazy and won't be able to control myself. Very scary. This is much worse than the feeling of dying to me. I find it easier to convince myself that my 499 heart attack is a panic attack but this newer symptom of feeling like going crazy is a tougher nut to handle. Does anyone have any experience with this?

16-08-14, 15:11
a great, inspiring story NeM! I'm glad you made a full recovery and it makes me think I could make it as well!

16-08-14, 15:50
Hello, I would love someone to talk to!

That's no problem send me a PM!

And you guys can do it believe me. For the last 5 years my brain had blocked it all out so it felt like a dream (it does this apparently as a protective measure) but It's finally all come back to me. And I honestly believe that anyone can do it.

16-08-14, 15:56
I am holding on to your words. I want to be a survivor too.

16-08-14, 16:01
Well done you, thats brilliant and in inspirational story. I too am a panic attack survivor so know how good it feels to finally say that. I bet mine with a lot of breathing techniques, to keep my body calm and still follow these breathing techniques before I sleep, and I swear by it. I agree with NeM, anyone can do it, believe in yourself