View Full Version : Twitches at rest

16-08-14, 01:52

I worried about twitching all over. Funny thing is that when I am busy I don't twitch at all. Anybody else have this?

I asked my Doc about it worried it was MS. She said that nothing serious have ever come of patients worrying about twitching.

I'm wondering if they are psychosomatic

16-08-14, 02:08
The twitching is more likely to happen when you are not doing anything and just relaxing. Don't know why, but think its something to do with adrenalin which is caused by the Anxiety. Our Mind had more chance to think about stuff when we are not doing anything. Just ignore it and it does go away.:)

16-08-14, 02:13
Thanks Carnation. Have you had this issue before?

Funny that I say 'resting' when really I am just lying or sitting and worrying!

16-08-14, 16:30
I get these all the time. Totally benign. I get them more when Im highly anxious.

16-08-14, 18:57
Thanks that's made me feel better!

Do you get th all over too? I'm like one big twitch lol

I only started getting them when I read they were a symptom if something

16-08-14, 19:56
Hi Loubylou1982, I still get them now and it's been six months. But, I don't want to scare you, I don't get them everyday, I could go a week without one. But, if I remember back over the years, I used to suffer with a twitchy eye-lid and used to make a funny about it and say I was going Mad! If you ignore it, it helps because your Mind wants you to freak out. They only normally last a few seconds, but feels a lot longer. They can't harm you.