View Full Version : Ongoing Chest infection, X-ray

16-08-14, 10:50
Hi Everyone

I've had this chest infection for over 3 weeks now a week's course of amoxacilin500mg hasn't shifted it so I went back to my GP and she gave me ciprofloxacin 500mg for a week to no prevail, my G.P sounded my chest yesterday and sent me off for a lung x-ray, he said to me before I went that he thinks it is nothing because my phlegm is now pale (white) saying that's a sign that the antibiotics have killed off the infection and that this is just procedure....

But I'm absolutely terrified incase I hear what I've been fearing over the past 3 weeks or so (C) :weep:

Please help I'm wound up like a spring :ohmy:


16-08-14, 16:14
I suppose no news is good news!!

19-08-14, 22:26
I'd just like to say a big thank you to Daisy Sue :hugs:

You're a Legend :hugs:

Petesy x

19-08-14, 23:16
Hi mate, try not to worry. When do you go for scan?

I would assume X-Ray is just procedure as you've said. I'm not an expert but also think they can pick up other (less serious) things on X-rays; such as asthma, so there are reasons for doing it.

Be positive :-)

Daisy Sue
19-08-14, 23:54
:blush: Aw shucks. But thanks :D


20-08-14, 00:49
Petsey, I had a chest infection that lasted nearly 6 weeks. Like you, I was coughing up phlegm and it was brown and then it turned white like yours. I was really worried at the time, but it was just a viral chest infection and sometimes they are hard to shift.:)

20-08-14, 09:21
Viral infections can last weeks.
How did the x-ray go?

20-08-14, 15:49
Hi Petesy, sorry just saw this post...have you got the results of your xray yet? You had a really bad chest infection and I have had them before and they have taken weeks to clear so I am sure you have nothing to worry about. :hugs: