View Full Version : Even with a clear MRI scan I'm still panicking :(

16-08-14, 20:00
So, I had a fit/seizure/faint/whatever the hell it was about two weeks ago (I've fainted once before but nothing like this has happened to me before) in the middle of town. Luckily I had JUST met up with my father before it happened. We both had appointments at the same time in town so I was going to have a lift home with my dad instead of catching the bus home. All I can remember is walking with my dad to Superdrug and the next thing I know I was on the floor and some woman was phoning an ambulance. I had a crap load of different tests (including an MRI) and everything come up as normal/clear. The doctors seem to put it down to the heat and stress.

Thing is I've been having a lot of headaches since :( I've spoken to a GP about it (my GP is on holidays so I've seen a locum) and she didn't seem too concerned about it because I've had a clear MRI :( She reckons I'm just stressing over it and I need to drink more.

I just can't help but think something really serious is happening :( I'm really scared. I know I should feel relieved after having a clear MRI but it's still bothering me :(

I am having fewer headaches now compared to last week mind. I'm 23 in case anyone is wondering.

16-08-14, 20:18

I should start by saying I'm 23 as well! :)

I understand that what you went through two weeks ago was a very powerful and scary experience. I, for example, have never fainted in my life and I don't know how I could manage. But you did, and that makes you a winner.

Since the MRI is clear, I guess it all comes down to you being stressed and obsessed over it. Sometimes we just have to look fear in the eyes and tell him to ** off. Give yourself a relaxing head massage, to release the pressure, watch some good movies, meet with friends and you'll be as good as new.

We're too young to have our lives taken from us. Right?

16-08-14, 20:38
Thank you <3 Right now I am being more realistic/less paranoid because my head isn't hurting right now. As soon as it starts hurting again all these thoughts come rushing back :( It sounds ridiculous but I've found wearing a hat seems to help my headaches :wacko:

I just realised there is a "health anxiety" part of this forum >.> Sorry for not posting this there.

16-08-14, 20:42
search online for acupressure spots that help with headaches. It will do the trick, believe me (hats look good on nobody! hehe)

17-08-14, 11:54
I quite like hats :P I do look like someone from Westboro Baptist Church when I'm wearing a baseball hat mind :') I'll have a look for those things now :)

I now have ear ache :( I am awfully prone to ear infections so maybe that could be why my head's hurting :/ hmmm.

17-08-14, 12:51
if it is an ear infection after all, I hope all's well soon!!!