View Full Version : Setback-don't know what to do about it.

17-08-14, 17:34
Hi everyone I've only posted a couple of times a couple of years ago so I hope it's ok I'm posting here. To give a bit of background I had been experiencing anxiety from in 2009 when I was 18, couldn't stand it anymore so had CBT in 2011 with the last session in 2012. Honestly CBT changed my lfe and helped me so much. I was pretty much anxiety free and able to do things that I hadn't been able to for years such as go on holiday , restraints and shopping centres. Now to 2014 and I've been having real trouble swallowing my food for the ladt couple ov months. It started at the end of May when I overtired but nothing really triggered it.I think this is pyschological or anxiety related it only happens when I'm eating with other people. I haven't been feeling as bad as i used to but I've noticed that I've been feeling more anxious , fed up and tired than usual. I really want to get this swallowing thing sorted as it made a holiday to London last week a bit of a pain and not enjoyable. I've worked on my CBT resources but as I didn't struggle with swallowing at the time I'm not sure what to do. What should I do? Go refer myself for some more CBT or go to my GP? To be honest I'm so annoyed and frustrated with myself for feeling letting myself get like this again.
Sorry if this was just a big ramble

17-08-14, 18:09
Don't feel sad or ashamed over this setback. It's nothing compared to what you have offered yourself through battling anxiety. You are just having a bad streak of luck, that's all, but life's a wheel and all you have to do is spin it one more time. Chances are, you'll win a prize!

17-08-14, 18:15
Don't worry, set backs are very easily overcome once you've achieved feeling better through cbt :) just get into contact with your old therapist again and see if you can have a one off session or two. Is there anything happening in your life right now that triggered this extra anxiety and did you stop using your cbt tools? My own cbt therapist told me to never ever stop using them, even when I felt anxiety free. It's a muscle you can't stop flexing if you want to keep strong

17-08-14, 18:48
Thanks for the lovely replies think hoping this is just a blip and I will ask about CBT again tomorrow. To be honest I think much of my anxiety revolves around my disability as daft as that sounds I have cerebral palsy and I use a wheelchair. I used to constantly worry about about what the future woul be like if I could ever live independently etc. I think my anxiety kicked off again because in January the head teacher of the nursery school I was doing a placement at for my degree told me I was a health and safety risk because of my chair and I wouldn't ever be able to work as nursery nurse(my dream job) because of my disability. So I think that has been a bit of a trigger really, as everything feels like it is a bit of a uphill struggle. I shouldn't be thinking like that though because as my disability isn't something I can change so I just need to accept my life for what it is x