View Full Version : Hello - I Tend to worry about my Heart

17-08-14, 20:38
So hello there!

I am familiar with this forum since I've seen more informed posts here (via google search) than the majority of the internet. I've seen people explore issues over anxiety and health giving more in depth responses rather than vague symptoms to look out for. While of course there is no replacement for a Doctor's tests and diagnosis- becoming more informed or just simply talking this out will hopefully help!

This started back in early July:

I should start by saying that I am no stranger to anxiety- and that my family has not had a history of heart disease or stroke ( within so many generations)

I felt like my heart rate would not go down. It felt like it was pounding and quickly for a long time. Being fairly worried I went to a minute clinic- which deferred me to urgent care-which then deferred me to the ER ( which where I am is a lot of driving. )

Frustrated and worried I went to the ER telling them my symptoms - a slightly tight feeling chest ( because ... well lets face it, I've been worried for more than 4 hours and my heart's been pounding for a while now) palpitations and what not. I'm given priority and they set me up with several different blood tests, an ekg, and an X-ray.

So with one exception everything was fine. My heart rate- though high ( at 110) was functioning fine. The only thing they found was high blood pressure - 200 over 100, and anxiety, which was likely driving my blood pressure so high. They gave me Lorazepam and recommended me to a GP Doctor.

So I went to a GP Doctor who also took some blood work to cover her bases as well. Again finding nothing than having my blood sugar being a little high and high blood pressure. She placed me on Lisinopril which I have been on, and also adjusted my diet in order to lower my blood pressure.

Good news is my blood pressure is down to normal levels. I've also gone from 270 lbs to 240 which I'm amazingly proud of.

However I still can't shake the anxiety over my heart. I honestly feel trapped in my own body and will feel utterly helpless over it.

I've had points where I felt my left arm feel weak and I'll obsess over that ( no shooting pains just weakness) Or on occasion when I breath in my chest will hurt on one side ( and immediately go away after the next- I was guessing it was due to poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle) And once again the Doctor found nothing wrong.

I've had a stiffness on the left side of my neck and jaw ( which we found was TMJ) And boy that can flare up when you're at the gym and scare you. I had another EKG however nothing was found wrong.

( regarding the jaw - I'm still going to have a stress test over it in the coming days)

There will be times where I will feel a shortness of breath, checking my pulse over and over and making myself worry.

Above all I've woken up several times- not in the middle of the night, but after a full night of sleep anxious, feeling like I'm not getting enough air ( though I'm breathing fine, and full breaths) And noticing palpitations ( However not as severe as they were before) However there are times where I will be laying down and feel like, whenever I exhale, my chest is a little heavier ( around the bottom of my sternum) and I'm waiting for my heart to beat at the end of my breath.

Trying to look this up I only found something along the lines of "Symptoms of Heart Failure) Which... well only served to scare me.

I keep telling myself that I've had a number of tests and I'm about to have a more comprehensive one.

Sorry that this seems a little disorganized but this is really what's been occupying my thoughts as of late, and I'd really appreciate some input.

Thank you, I look forward to hearing from everyone.

17-08-14, 21:45
Hi there,
welcome to the forum. I am quite new as well, so I don't know much. I am here because I've recently started having a knife phobia. I've met some very helpful people in here and I am sure you will as well.

Obviously I am no expert but I feel that you could do with some breathing exercises to start with. You probably need to check with you GP to see if its ok to do with. I have been doing some breathing exercises since 2009 and it has really helped me. The one that I do is 'Swami Ramdev Pranayam'.

I keep telling everyone that you have control over your own body, so the best remedy I can advise is to have positivity from within.

17-08-14, 22:49
Hi Terry. New here myself. How are you

18-08-14, 00:10
Hi Donovandine,
Your anxiety explains the high blood pressure if all other avenues have been explored I bet when you finally got the tests done your anxious state had settled down hence the reduction.
I sometimes felt my heart was going to jump out of my chest when having a panic attack and boy did it makes some irregular beats.
Remember no one has the perfect blood pressure 24 hours a day and high sugar levels will be down to the body craving a quick energy boost as we all feel weak after an anxiety attack so reach for a quick fix.
Concentrating on your heart will just make you more anxious and if trying to sleep your body will be all tensed up which will explain symptom's such as a sore rib cage.
The arm pain also I bet most people here have experienced this and thought oh no heart attack again this is just built up muscle tension.
We all need adrenaline unfortunately with anxious people we get to much hence all the symptoms but the goods news is adrenaline wont kill us.
I found a cuddling in to a pillow in bed helped it muffled out the beating although with panic attacks not a good long term solution as it can become comfort behaviour.
One other tip is avoid tea and coffee or any caffeine based drink at least a couple hours before going to bed I found this a great help unfortunately cant do without it completely during the day but reduced my intake over the last few months and noticed the difference.
If its any help everyone suffering from panic attacks or anxiety will have experienced the same heart sensations your having at some point so your not alone it can be scary but wont hurt you if it comes on again just say to yourself "its only adrenalin it wont kill me" except its just adrenalin and I guarantee the symptoms will reduce quickly.
Take care:yesyes:

18-08-14, 00:27
Hello both of you!

I'm okay! Panic attacks here and there but I appear to be fine!

And I'm sorry I should have mentioned my name is Donovan and not Terry !

As for breathing techniques yes I try them every now and again and they work some times, other times I feel a little too far gone and kinda have to wait it out!

And Johnny

Thank you for the response as well. It's like I don't know what I'm looking for or if my body is pulling "Boy who cried wolf" And at times these things appear to come out of no where. This sense of doom, light headedness ( but I can walk fine) It feels like I'm not breathing enough air ( but i'm breathing just fine ) and by the end of a panic attack I'm fine and just upset.

I'm honestly looking forward to my stress test to get a more comprehensive answer. While I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm just fine and I just need to chill out- I'm looking forward to the hard data you know?

Any advice for things I should really look for? If not that's cool you've already been immensely helpful.