View Full Version : Anxious as hell

22-12-06, 11:05
Just looking for some reassurance I suppose. Have had a pretty good week and now it's going pear shaped again. With Christmas looming I'm waking up really anxious. This morning I woke at 7 feeling really c***, stomach churning tension headache. I don't want to ruin Christmas for my family and am afraid I will.

Jo [V]

22-12-06, 12:31
I'm feeling it too Joanna. I have felt pretty stressed the last week, mostly in the evenings. I think it is just with Xmas coming up, everyone feels a bit stressed so if you are anxious anyway you'll feel it more.
Just do what you can do, don't worry about ruining Xmas for others - sadly, we'll probably only ruin it for ourselves! Take care xxx

"At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky..."

22-12-06, 12:33
Snap, Im feeling the same.

........life is for living not just for surviving

22-12-06, 12:38
My husband was at Marks last night after work, he got the turkey and the trimmings, a nice dessert and he was wearing a santa hat (with pigtails lol). He put it on me and said I looked lovely, then he put it on the dog (who looked V. cute).
I had to go upstairs and cry, I just wished I could feel the same as him, I WANT to enjoy it, I WANT to realx, but my fekkin anxiety keeps trying to scupper me!!! (soz for ranting).

Nel xxx

"At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky..."

22-12-06, 13:19
Oh Nel, I know how you feel - lets try and cherish and treasure what we do have. I was dumped last night (only saw him 5 times) cos Im not normal enough - but he is the one losing out cos people with anxiety are such caring and understanding people and yes we may not be able to do the normal things especially at this time of year, but we find pleasure in what we do acheive.

Whatever Christmas day brings, anxious or not, we will get through it and enjoy spending time with your husband and little dog and get those pigtails back on.

Love Darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving

22-12-06, 13:34
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Oh Nel, I know how you feel - lets try and cherish and treasure what we do have. I was dumped last night (only saw him 5 times) cos Im not normal enough - but he is the one losing out cos people with anxiety are such caring and understanding people and yes we may not be able to do the normal things especially at this time of year, but we find pleasure in what we do acheive.

Whatever Christmas day brings, anxious or not, we will get through it and enjoy spending time with your husband and little dog and get those pigtails back on.

Love Darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving

<div align="right">Originally posted by darkangel - 22 December 2006 : 13:19:36</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

His loss DA!
Yes, I will try to make the most of it, nothing else for it! I hope you have a good one.

Nel xxx

"At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky..."

22-12-06, 14:16

I agree it is a stressful time but you must try and make it as easy for your self as possible. We don't have family close by and I turned down invitations to travel to relatives. I have also written out a list for my husband and he will get the shopping tomorrow morning when ASDA opens. (I do shop in the supermarket but avoid unnecessary busy times).

On Christmas day we will go to church and then enjoy our meal and time together. I usually think of others all the time but this year I need to think of myself and those closest to me. If I don't do that this year I will be the one suffering for weeks following Christmas. I think we call it 'self -preservation.'


22-12-06, 18:10
Hi there
Reading these posts made me feel really tearful. We are truly lovely people and anxiety just makes us more human - we are not automated and programmed to be perfect - we are truly special human beings and we shouldnt strive to be perfect just coz its christmas - it is about family and love and loving yourself as well xxxxxxxxxxxxx Wenjoy

22-12-06, 18:32
I really hope that everyone here has a wonderful Christmas, at the end of the day its only ONE DAY, well 2 if you count Boxing Day.

I'm sure no-one will ruin it for anyone else.

Sending Christmas (((((hugs))))) to all of you.

Carla x x x

"Smile Like You Mean It"

22-12-06, 18:55
Hi Jo,

I am sorry to hear you woke up feeling mmmm crap, I know this feeling sooo well, it can be hard to shake when you have just woken up.

Jo, this time of year, even none anxiety sufferes feel under stress. what stratagies are you useing when you get up [?] I know its dame hard when you feel this way first thing in the morning but you have to change all the negative thought to more positive one's. Keep yourself busy, look more on the good things in life. ohh boy, this is hard, but the more you practice and push those thoughts, the more they will be programmed into you brain. Am I making any sense here.

Start with this one.....
**don't want to ruin Christmas for my family and am afraid I will**.
Hunny, you are NOT going to ruin christmas for your family, they love you and they want you to enjoy chrtistmas too.

Please don't see the way you feel now as being forever, see yourself better in the future. If you can programme into your mind that in the future, you WILL get better, this sets a good foundation for you to work from, if you don't believe you will get better, this undermines everything you are trying to learn. Mrs anxiety, will always be there saying, ** HAY, I told you so.**

You take care hun, keep learning all you can about anxiety, YOU WILL WIN in the end.


Fear is the darkroom
where negatives are developed.....

When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conqers fear...

22-12-06, 19:10
I have been doing this. Today I have wrote down and stuck it to the fridge that:

"Christmas Day is just one day when we have a Sunday Lunch but with the posh napkins. And to make me smile I will get presents which I adore. Why panic?

If I have to leave the room for 30mins then I have to leave but no one will miss me cos' they will be happy and busy."

If I am here on Christmas Day freaking out then you know I failed.

I will be thinking of you all at NMP on Christmas Day - we will have to send our support to each other through the skies.

22-12-06, 19:22
Hi Sam,

Thats a great way of putting it [^]:D

**"Christmas Day is just one day when we have a Sunday Lunch but with the posh napkins. And to make me smile I will get presents which I adore. Why panic?** putting it in away, where its less important, playing with your mind, yaa thats great.

I did alot of little things to help me, I was having my kitchen done, so I wrote on the wall in big letters, this, which is on the home page of this site


Ohhh boy, it was there for months, I have to say, it must have helped somewhere, cuz I feelin better :D

Sooo remember guys, sometimes the little things help us move on a little.

Sam, there is NOOOOOO fail hun, thats a noughty word, it should be banned. Your doing great hun, remember that.



Fear is the darkroom
where negatives are developed.....

When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conqers fear...