View Full Version : Woke up with hayfever-lymph nodes :'(

18-08-14, 00:42
Hey all,

So I've been suffering with hayfever all week. My eyes have been red and itchy and I've been sneezing off/on and and slightly coughing.

Last night before bed, I decides to drink a teaspoon of honey to see if it would help and when I woke up I let out so much mucus(sorry for tmi) from my throat and nose.

As I got ready for work I could feel my jaw line on both sides ache and when I felt my lymph nodes were up and THEY ACHE!

I'm so terrified guys! As some of you know, I just had a blood/urine test(the first in 2 years) and I'm anxiously awaiting the results. I'm terrified right now of caner, HIV/STI, Lupus, Lymphomoa and many other diseases that I've been googling.

It's been five days since the blood/urine test and the doc hasn't called back yet. We're supposed to call tomorrow to see if they were back yet so that we(my parents went as well) can all go in for results on Tuesday.

What do you guys think? I'm so sorry for sounding like a big baby but I'm really scared right now to the point where I can't stop clenching my teeth.:weep:

18-08-14, 00:59
I wouldn't worry about the lymph nodes, hay fever is an allergic reaction which can trigger lymph nodes as the immune system will detect the pollen and recognise it is a foreign body and so will trigger an immune response as it would during an infection. The lymphatic system is a crucial part of the immune system and helps fight off infections or foreign bodies by becoming swollen eg. Hayfever. The fact that they have become swollen is actually a good sign that your immune system is functioning as normal and the lymphs rising is just part of the body's response to the pollen. Also the fact that they are painful and ache is also an excellent sign as lymphoma nodes aren't painful. Its just a normal immune response what you have and is nothing to worry about.

18-08-14, 01:17
You have hay fever. Hay fever is an abnormal immune response to pollen. Lymph nodes are part of your immune system.

I'd be worried if they didn't come up during an immune response, the fact they're up means they're behaving reassuringly normally. :)

And my doctor informed me that lymph nodes have no sensory nerves in them so they are not capable of hurting. If they're causing pain that's a sure the pain is a somatic representation of anxiety. :)

18-08-14, 03:18
Read this it tells you the same thing I said about the painful nodes

20-08-14, 06:09
Thank you all for taking the time to respond to my thread.

I'm still a bit sick with the hayfever and the nodes are still up and tender but I'm trying my best to ignore them.

Does anyone else here suffer from hayfever? I've also been getting weird episodes of deralization off and on.