View Full Version : Stiff sore neck muscles, fibromyalgia fear anxiety

18-08-14, 05:13
Even with just getting back from what was a somewhat relaxing vacation in the mountains, I am still having health anxiety like crazy - causing sleeplessness, muscle aches and literally constant worry.
Been thinking about bone cancer lately because of a messed up ankle I have in addition to my sore back, neck, etc. Then I talk myself down, so why the heck does the thought just come right back into my head later, so convincingly throwing all my good common sense right out the window again?

I feel like I have an awful muscle disorder or a bone problem. More so muscle disorder. Last week I self diagnosed myself with fibromyalgia, thanks to google. Though I stay the hell away from google 360 days of the year, the other few I of course type and hit that search button. My symptoms keep coming up fibromyalgia.

Right now my neck muscles are killing me - I also have a mosquito or spider bite (non poisonous to the areas) that has gone down in size - it's right on my left jugular so it has been causing a TON of anxiety coupled with that sore neck pain and stiffness I've had. So, is it a muscle disorder or just a coincidence of too much tension in my muscles, a very innocent looking bug bite of 24 hours and a crappy bed and pillow last night? Or should I brace for the worst? Not asking people, just saying this is what I've been asking myself the past day. It's days like this that make me feel like such a loser, seriously. I need the hug section now - I seriously need a virtual hug today, ugh. Thanks for listening and if you've had the same or are having it, go ahead and let me know.

18-08-14, 05:49
I deal with the same thing you do, although the type of health anxiety I have is different than yours. I've got a LOT of tension on my neck muscles. They're hard as a rock when pressed and my shoulders are the same thing.

When it comes to neck muscles, you'd be very surprised as to how common tense and stiff neck muscles are! Y'know what helps them? A good massage. I went to a Chinese massage place a month ago and it felt GOOD! Unless you have mild tension, those cheap massaging chairs won't really do you any good. Same goes for Icy Hot, although I've had luck with Tiger Balm. Establishing good habits helps as well, like stretching your neck often and checking your posture. Honestly, you'd be very surprised as to how many people do this when sitting (http://www.antiaginghacks.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/poor-posture-diagram.gif).

Try your best to stay away from Google, alright? :)

18-08-14, 07:22
Fibro is really common condition and as many as one in thirty women have it. It's very treatable, manageable, and the vast majority get on without it having virtually any impact on their lives.

20-08-14, 16:42
Raver, I had a massage membership for 2 years. I put it on freeze the other month when I couldn't afford it. Thinking about reopening it asap. I have like 2 months left I believe. I have about 2 free massages that come with my membership just waiting on me. I have to agree that the massage really helps and if it weren't so expensive, I'd do it every week! I'm thinking about finding a cheap place to get it done weekly even if it's just for 20 minutes each time. I agree about the chairs - I own a shiatsu massage chair by homedics. While wonderful it is not the same at all! I got the chair on sale for $15 new, vs the usual price tag (close to $100?). Hot showers help I've noticed and going for hikes. I've shocked the massage therapists before with muscles like yours: the hard as a rock ones! I'll look into Tiger Balm. And I'll stay away from Google. I have for over a week.

Serenity, I saw as well that it's very treatable and manageable so if I ever did wind up having it, at least it is much less severe than other things. I'm used to having something routinely impact my life in varying levels; anxiety.
