View Full Version : Fear of getting bug

22-12-06, 11:44
A couple of days ago I found out my nan had a bug, it's a sickness and diarrhoea bug. So far she's been ill with it for 2 days. She rang the doctor who told her it's been going around and quite a few people have got it.

I have emetophobia and I feel selfish for saying this, but I'm scared I'll get the bug. Nan's been invited to our house for Christmas day and I'm scared that even if she's feeling better, she could still pass it on to me.

Plus my parents, who I live with, have visited her a couple of times, they are taking her some shopping and are going to bring her washing here to do. I'm scared that the bug will get passed on to me.

I know it's noones fault and I feel like i'm selfish as nans the one that's ill. I just feel like I can't look forward to Christmas as much as I was before.

Heather x

22-12-06, 18:06

Don't feel selfish hun. It's called a phobia for a reason, nobody ever said it was rational..it is what it is.
I don't suffer w/this but I do tend to get pretty neurotic whenever someone is sick, perhaps it's because I have a little baby, I dunno. All the same I start freaking out, excessive hand washing, lysol the house numerous times a day.
Try your best to not worry so much it's Christmas time and you would be upset w/yourself if you didn't allow you to enjoy it!!

"Be The Change You Want To See In The World"...

Take Care of You,


22-12-06, 18:11
Thank you both for your replies, it's good to know that others understand me.

I'll try not to worry. I'm not doing too bad at the moment, it's just in the back of my mind most of the time though.

El_Flel - My parents know about my phobia. But not the rest of my family.

Take care,

Heather x

23-12-06, 12:31
My mum has been ill with a stomach bug for the past two days. She works in a school and many of the teachers all started suffering at the end of term. I'm so worried I will end up with the same thing so I know exactly what you are feeling. I wanted to go and stay at my boyfriends until she was better but then I got worried in case I was already going to get it because I didn't want to be ill there. It's such a difficult thing and every hour that goes past and I'm ok I note it as a success.

You are absolutely not alone in this, believe me.

Take Care
Emma x

23-12-06, 17:25
Hi heths, Emma-Louise and all,

Am in turmoil with the same worry myself and convinced i feel sick all the time and am starting a bug - so fed up with it all. Want to stay at home for fear of getting a sickness bug from someone but am still going out and trying to rationalise it but inside it's sooo hard.

Think the fear of the bug may well be worse than the actual thing - at least then i'd KNOW i had it and would get over it, at the moment i'm just THINKING i'm coming down with it all the time.

Do i feel sick or is it in my head, is it in my head or do i really feel sick and on and on the thoughts go round.

Tis good to know i'm not the only one, am sure my bf gets fed up with my neurosis!!

I'm sure we'll all be fine and fingers crossed, xmas will pass with none of us getting it, good luck and Merry Xmas all,

Lizzie XXX

24-12-06, 18:45
Hey Lizzie - I hope you're still fit and well. Try not to worry about your fella hun, after all no-one wants to get ill. He'll understand the idea even if he can't grasp the extent of what you're feeling.

The most ridiculous thing is that when you worry about getting ill, you panic and then start to feel ill so then you can't possibly tell if you're actually ill or just in a state of panic. That's what I find the most difficult, as it makes being positive and reasoning with yourself so hard.

Keep being positive. Merry Christmas
Emma xx

24-12-06, 19:56
Thanks Emma-Louise, am still fit and well, despite a brief panic attack during which i had the 'bug' lol, but it passed and what you said is soooo right!!

Have a lovely tomorrow XXXXXXX

26-12-06, 13:38
I hope you all had a good Christmas.

Thank you for all your replies. I did ok yesterday, my nan came down and was feeling better. I still had it in the back of my mind about the bug.

She tends to go into detail about her symptoms but dad had asked her not to yesterday and that really helped.

I still woke up this morning wondering if I could've caught the bug though and it's still in the back of my mind.

Take Care,

Heather x

27-12-06, 18:45
Hi..from an emetophobic!!!

I had this bug. I caught it from my little boy.
It wasn't very nice, but thank the Lord i managed somehow not to throw up despite heaving/gagging whatever you want to call it ALL day, after every sip of water! I did have the runs badly and when i say badly all i can say that is similiar is running water from a tap...lol
I was ill all Wednesday, on the Thursday i didn't feel pukey but i ached and sweated constantly, like a fluey thing.

Since i was ill (its a week ago today) i have not managed to eat a single biscuit or have anything sweet near me at all. Very strange since my diet usually consists of ONLY biscuits..!

TRY not to worry about it too much....

Sarah x