View Full Version : Really scared.

18-08-14, 07:42
Hi everyone. Sorry if this seems a bit rambling but my mind feels like a whirlpool at the moment. I am pretty sure that most of my anxiety is due to my job and at the moment I feel like I am in hell. I can't sleep, have constant palpitations and tremors, and a very upset stomach. I got a really poor evaluation at work on Saturday and many of the problems that need fixing are due to me trying to do the work of at least 2 people as so many of our qualified staff have found jobs elsewhere. I am now being sent to another branch to learn how to do my job properly after 12 years in the industry. It is the first time the job has made me cry. I cannot afford to leave so I am looking for another job but am scared I will be fired in the meantime. I just feel so awful I don't even know where to begin.

18-08-14, 11:39
It sounds like you're very capable and work hard at your job.

In my opinion there is no point staying in a job that gives you that much stress. I've stressed over work environments for many years.

They're giving you training. I'd just relax, do the training and look for other jobs without the stress your experiencing there.

You've taken a good step by deciding you don't want this stress anymore.
Surely there are jobs out there that will suit you more and bring less stress.

Go for a good walk. Get all of those stress hormones out of your blood stream. It will clear your head.

18-08-14, 11:58
Hi there, so sorry to hear about your struggles... Are you currently receiving treatment for your issues (medically)? If so, make sure you tell your GP about what is happening at work and that it is due to the illness and that it is making you feel worse. If you have a 'statement of fitness to work' (think that is the correct name) from your doctor and give it to your employer, this can state that you are not fit to work, or that you can work as long as they make certain provisions for you - i.e. not sending you to another branch to do unnecessary (and stressful) training (from what you say, I am assuming it is unnecessary?). You need to take the bull by the horns and ensure that your employer doesn't take advantage and make you feel worse than you already do - the only way this will happen is by you making them fully aware of the situation.

Alternatively, as Oosh says, if the job is making you that stressed over a long period of time, perhaps it is for the best to search for other opportunities. There is no right or wrong here - only you can decide what is best for yourself in the long term.

Good luck and hope you start to feel better soon :)

18-08-14, 13:08
As has been said, perhaps it's time to look elsewhere. There's a good reason why so many others have left. The best time to look for a job is when you have a job so don't make a rash decision. I know your job is currently causing you stress but just beginning to look elsewhere should ease the worry.

Positive thoughts