View Full Version : How to ask for therapy?!

18-08-14, 08:00
Hey everyone,

Just need some advice... I've spent the last week crying over cervical cancer only to receive a clear smear result.
So now I'm worried about my hip where I think there is an extra bone despite two docs telling me it's nothing to worry about so I've decided to bite the bullet and go to see someone about my anxiety!
I want to ask my gp to refer me for therapy or something but I feel like they'll just take another blood test!
Has anyone got any advice about what I should say?
Thanks xx

18-08-14, 12:02
When I was struggling I just brought it up and asked. Perhaps print out a few of your posts including this one and bring it with you and just flat out ask. Tell him you're struggling and need help. There's nothing wrong or shameful in doing so. There would be no reason at all to send you off for blood work.

Positive thoughts

18-08-14, 12:12
It's easier said than done, but honesty is the best policy here. Just explain how you feel, even if you think it makes you sound silly (which it honestly won't). Your doctor will have no doubt encountered many, many people that have the same issues, so although for you it is a new occurrence and very stressful, for him it will be nothing out of the ordinary at all.

Best of luck - hope it all works out for you :)

18-08-14, 15:49
Thanks, I’ve got an appointment next Tuesday and I’ve written down everything I want to explain so hopefully it will be okay.
I’ve got a feeling it’s a doctor I saw before who wasn’t very understanding but we shall see..

Fingers crossed and thanks very much for your replies .

18-08-14, 18:50
I also felt nervous about asking my GP too, in case he thought me stupid. I came right out with it and said that I needed help with anxiety problems, he was so helpful.

18-08-14, 19:49
Thanks so much everyone, I'm going to go next week and sort it out.. I can't keep on like this! I spent at least an hour a day just sitting worrying!!
