View Full Version : throwing up and stomach bugs

18-08-14, 09:19
Hi ever since ive suffered from panic disorder ive become the biggest hyperchondriac (sorry for spelling ) known to man . If someones got a cold.i catch it . If someones got a bug i catch it and im always thinking the worse . My main problem is my stomach . I understand alot of anxiety is stomach related but im at the point now were i have any stomach discomfort and im thinking i have a sickness bug or maybe worse . All of a sudden im absolutely petrefied of catching any kind of sickness bug . Any help what so ever on this issue will be greatly appreciated thank you

18-08-14, 09:56
I'm the same when it comes to stomach bugs. The thought of catching one terrifies me as I have such a fear of vomitting. Keep your hands clean and that goes a long way to helping prevent getting one.

18-08-14, 09:57
Thanks alot for your reply if anythi g its made me a bit ovd and more hygenic its all just in my head

18-08-14, 10:02
I know what you mean, I'm the same!