View Full Version : Commitment anxiety - what issues do you have?

18-08-14, 14:21
I have just realised after years of suffering from GAD, panic attacks etc. that I probably have commitment anxiety too. I posted on here a while ago that I was having issues with a deposit I have on a new puppy. I am picking the puppy up this Saturday (if I don't chicken out before) and have had weeks of on off anxiety since I left the deposit. However I am determined to fight this and really want the dog. I have a supportive partner and daughter that are both excited and don't want to let them down too.

Today I decided to look into commitment issues and have never done this before - well I actually feel a bit better now as I realise that my issues are probably not to do with the dog itself but my own commitment issues with most 'big' deals in life.

So how about this for my issues:

I have a hard time starting new relationships dumped my now partner of 10 years around 5 times before we got together for good as I couldn't deal with it
I had massive issues about my child from around the 6 month of pregnancy onwards - I basically wanted to give her back! - she is adorable now and is 9 years old - only had the one though
I am trying to pay the mortgage off as quickly as I can as don't like the tie
When I got a car loan I freaked out and had to get a friend to stay the night
when I got my first dog and others since I had a hard time
taking on extra stuff at work or any new work is difficult
I am a perfectionist unfortunately this makes things hard too
So lets hope I can make it to Saturday and survive the first days of puppyhood until I bond with the dog - I will let everyone know.

What commitment issues do you have and how do you cope?

18-08-14, 15:32
I definitely have commitment issues, in that I hate thinking about planning stuff in advance, that means I have to do something on a certain day and a certain time - e.g. planning a holiday (although, I also get mega stressed in a million-and-one other ways about holidays, but that's another topic entirely!).

Aside from a whole host of other things, one of the main issues I had with my ex before we broke up was that I couldn't commit to things like buying a house, getting married etc.

It's reassuring to know other people are going through the same thing (although I wish you guys didn't have to!) :)

18-08-14, 15:57
Yep I totally agree deadmanwalking and anxiety DJ, relationships and holidays are a big deal and can be very scary! - great reply's.