View Full Version : Yawning .....

18-08-14, 16:45
Hi everyone, I know I've asked some strange questions in the past few threads but I just want to ask,

Has anyone experienced excessive yawning when going through a short time of positive thinking or feeling positive and ok rather than crap?

Today like most days I've cried a lot, I've felt locked in my own mind all day struggled to function, cried most of the day then I was given some positive words to me from a old friend that lifted me a little, as always I began to yawn excessively, I feel better now than I have in terms of mood, I still don't feel connected or like I use too,

I find this because as I've mentiond in the past I've experienced "clicking" out of all of this strange horrible hell I'm going through and when I "click" out of it I yawn like waking from a coma and I look around the room taking in things like I've not seen them before but god do I yawn when this happens!!! Huge huge yawns.

Could anyone relate to this,

Thanks again for your help,
Just to note I've tried thinking positive for days as much as my brain and body allows me to, I've been going out and doing positive things, I've been back the gym and tried boxing, I'm going back work 2 days a week next week even though I'm not ready I have to try - I'm close to losing my job anyway.

I started panicking because it's 6 months solid now I can't escape what ever is happening. I don't want to feel like this much longer.

18-08-14, 18:18
When I have been under pressure & then the worry/tension is released, I yawn a lot. Perhaps the positive words relax you & thats why the yawning starts. You've started to ease up! Some gentle yoga/tai chi exercises may help release tension. I usually start to yawn when I do these.

18-08-14, 18:51
It's always when I ease up a bit, when I go from feeling down & upset and rock bottom next thing my mood will change or something positive & little will happen then my mood lifts at the same time my body opens up I feel a little lighter and open and then the yawning starts.
Just like today, crying all day going over the trauma that made me like this with a friend, my emotions are all over the place from sad, to angry to frustrated there changing within minutes sometimes.

Then a bit of positive words about myself from a old friend about the person I use to be and a few deep breaths next thing I'm feeling completely open, happyish - but yawning like mad, also felt like crying again haha,

I'm a emotional mess,

Thanks for your time xx

18-08-14, 20:33
That's all right.
This year must have been VERY difficult for you. Hope things start to improve soon:)

18-08-14, 23:45
Thanks means a lot xx

Embarrassed to say it but I start psychotherapy tomorrow.
My first session, I'm praying to god that when I sit Down and try to explain it all to her she replies with a positive yes we can help fix you because I'm missing my old life. It feels a million years ago. People I use to talk to everyday it's like they don't exist no more, family and friends. People ild think about why out driving around and text everyday it's like there no longer in my memory only by chance if I see them in a picture it's like omg!

I know it's going to take time I've gotten a little better over the last 6 months but not enough to enjoy life in anyway,
Fed up of crying now. I'm a 20 st 6.6 boxer I shouldn't be crying lol!
It feels like I've had my life taken from me though by no fault of my own,
All I've ever done since I left school was work hard and tried to provide for my family. Basically I've been betrayed let down and had my life taken away from me by the same person I was working so hard to provide for for 15 years,

Woman hey - can't live them can't kill them... Only joking of course,

19-08-14, 03:18
Hi Ollie,

I don't know about this myself, but I have seen a form of therapy that ends in yawning. I think it was called Freeway CER. I don't know if it is used in any conventional evidence based forms though.

19-08-14, 18:20
Hope the therapy goes well & you can start to overcome your bereavement. :)

19-08-14, 20:26

What to do next!!??....8-(

Sat with my therapist for 2 hours she listen to talk through my trauma, I then began to explain my feeling, experiences and symtoms, she began look confused...she asked me what medications I've tried, she asked me a few questions and a few things but I get the feeling without jumping the gun here that's she isn't sure where to go with this and I'm worried my life is over now as this was my last hope of getting better, il see what the next few sessions bring. The bonus is she's a nice lady felt confident talking with her,

Tonight I'm in pain, my head feels like it's getting crushed. Just took two sleeping tablets to try to relax my head as pain killas don't help,

Feeling like poop tonight, wish my brain would just do that clicking out thing and leave me alone for good and give me my life back,

19-08-14, 20:41
It sounds like she was just maybe seeing if you were in the best place in yourself to receive and use the therapy Ollie. Reminds me of my cbt.

She tried to get me to go and sit next to people in the health club I was in and chat to strangers. I said I really didn't feel in the right place to and she went onto the subject of meds and sounded me out about starting another med.

She's probably just thinking "if he's plagued by all of these symptoms am I going to be able to make my therapy count".

Sounds like she might be quite good mate. Stick with it :)

19-08-14, 20:43
Perhaps it was a lot of information for the lady to take in! (Also she isn't the only therapist in the UK - there are hundreds!) Give her a chance & see what happens in the next few sessions.
A head/neck massage may help the headache.

20-08-14, 03:37
Hi Ollie,

Is she on the BACP register? If so, I know from experience that she must have supervised hours by a more senior therapist. Organisations such as BACP are a network of therapists & counsellors with varying levels of experience and this network helps them liaise over appropriate forms of therapy. It's also in the code of ethics that their therapists must not leave you without an appropriate referral to another therapist.

There are other associations that act in a similar manner, but there are lesser known associations that don't mean much i.e. those ones you can join after a short online course.

So, if you found her via such as BACP, BPs, BABCP, etc I would expect someone who would know how to handle anything or to have a support network.

When I had CBT, all the therapists had to have their cases reviewed by their seniors to ensure quality.

I know I found myself thinking some of this because it was a lot to talk about. It's the therapist job to pick that all apart and determine what is required to tackle it.