View Full Version : Food poisoning worry

18-08-14, 18:22
So my friend was cooking Spag Bol - using raw minced beef from marks and spencer for her dinner tonight.
We were just about to have tea and cake.
Once she had finished, she washed her hands with a little bit of washing up liquid and water. She then cut the cake and placed my piece on the plate. I know I'm being really paranoid but can I get sick from this?
I know she did wash her hands but only with the washing up liquid...not real soap.
She only touched mine to place it on the plate...so it would have to be a tiny amount anyway.
I felt embarrassed to say anything so just ate it anyway :shrug:

Can anyone advise? As it was beef and from m&s does this work in my favour?

18-08-14, 18:24
I wash my hands with washing up liquid in the kitchen

No you won't get sick from this

18-08-14, 20:26
Washing up liquid or dish soap is real soap and typically stronger than regular bath soap as it has to cut through grease and such on pot.s pans and dishes.

Positive thoughts

18-08-14, 20:48
If you are worried about her hands, shouldn't you be worried about the plate too? Afterall, I am guessing that is what she uses to wash her plates with.

Really, there is no reason to worry - washing up liquid is soap, and it is usually much powerful at cleaning than most hand soaps AND often contains antibacterial properties. Even if she had squished her hands into your plate after washing her hands, you would not need to worry about contamination from the ground beef.

Also, some people have their beef undercooked (rare, medium) all the time and are fine - it is raw poultry that causes problems.

I hope the cake was good :-) really, I am 100% sure you are not going to get sick from the beef - anxiety induced ... maybe, but not the beef.