View Full Version : Sudden loss of voice-I will keep it short

18-08-14, 20:03
Hi all, basically I am just looking for reassurance.

Been not too bad recently; woke up yesterday with a very croaky voice and finding it hard to talk. Had no cold and no other symptoms. It is not sore just a bit irritated with a little cough. Just no voice!!!

Basically checked internet (very bad and will slap myself later) all sites say sudden loss if voice can be cancer! My biggest fear and it comes up everytime!!! Arghhhh. Have recently got over a long bout if globus so now very panicky.

I am a 38 year old ex smoker of 8 months, but as a mum if 3 things like this terrify me.

Reassurance would be gratefully accepted. Xx

18-08-14, 20:09
Hello :),

You've probably got laringitus .. I've had it before and sounds exactly like this!
Have ibuprofen every 4 hours and drink lots of cold drinks - avoid hot drinks and alcohol, it should go away in a day or two!


18-08-14, 20:57
Hi, oh thank you for your reply, reassures me a bit, thought it would hurt more to be honest. Ha ha, never happy!!

Just hope that's all it is...my brain working over time again. X

18-08-14, 21:07
When I hadn't it wasn't too painful just kept me quiet!! Haha!
I've got a sore hip from running and convinced it's bone cancer... I know how you feel!!! Xx

18-08-14, 22:42
I get that sometimes from running- I think it is because I favour one leg. I am sure it will be ok. Take care xx