View Full Version : Heart Arrhythmia

19-08-14, 02:50
I had a good run not being anxious, but here I am again. About a week & a half ago I felt "off" & mentioned it to my family. I then took my blood pressure at home & it was running high. That made me extremely anxious. After a day or two of being obsessed with that, I noticed that the irregular heartbeat icon kept popping up every so often when I took my blood pressure. I have now become obsessed with my pulse & how it "skips" when I'm laying down.

I made a doctor's appointment, but it isn't for another week. I've started walking & swimming every day. I have no other symptoms (other than some I know have to be in my mind), but I am still baffled why this is happening to me.

I've been under tremendous stress lately & that is when my anxiety finds me. My heart rate is nice and steady during the day & during exercise. It only acts "funny" when I am ready to go to sleep. I'll be laying in bed watching TV (or on the couch with my feet up) & it beats like 1..2..3....4..5...6..7..8...9 & so on. What in the world could this be? What should I expect at my appointment? Can this be normal & I am just obsessing over something silly (again)? HELP if you can! Thanks :scared15:

---------- Post added at 21:50 ---------- Previous post was at 20:45 ----------

I also have been taking Passion Flower for my anxiety...I wonder if that could be causing it?

19-08-14, 23:37
I'm trying not to worry. I feel like I may or may not have heaviness in my chest. It's fine when I swim or walk around...but maybe it's anxiety or stomach issues causing it. Hoping that I'm not the only one who's experienced this.....

25-08-14, 14:19
Hi, if it's only variation in the spaces of heartbeats then it sounds like you may simply have sinus arrhythmia. The heart rate changes with breathing in and out.

This is very common in young and healthy people but get checked out by a doctor anyway. :)

25-08-14, 16:05
I also get that icon sometimes on my BP monitor. Then I check my pulse with my fingers and the heart is beating normally. I think it's due to trembling. The minor trembling will make the icon pop up. Anyway, I wish the monitor hadn't that icon. It causes me anxiety.