View Full Version : Has anyone had any experiences like this?

19-08-14, 07:11
Hi guys,

A few weeks ago, my partner and I found out we are expecting our first baby. It's taken a while to sink in but it's exciting. I know change to be one of my triggers for the ROCD, and expected to feel anxious and experience some of my typical thoughts. However, I'm finding them particularly difficult, because I can't help but allow them to lead to 'what if I can't bond with my baby' and 'what if I don't actually want it?'. I've even thought 'maybe I just don't want a baby with my partner'.

I'm scared of my anxieties taking a hold over me during this pregnancy, at a te where I already feel out of control to an extent because of the nature of what's happening. I want to enjoy the pregnancy and becoming a parent with my partner but I'm worried the anxiety will ruin it.

When I had my first midwife appointment they asked about anxiety or depression. I explained my issues and she was extremely helpful, offering support of mental heart midwife if need be.

Has anyone had any similar experiences or does anyone have any advice?

20-08-14, 02:42
Hi Shaznay,

I don't think I can offer any advice but I just wanted to say congratulations and it sounds like you've got some clued up midwives there so I'm sure that will help you greatly.

You are bound to experience doubts, try to learn to let them pass without emotion. I have several forms of OCD and Mindfulness meditation has helped me reduce many of my rituals and I find the harmful intrusive thoughts now pass without an anxious reaction. I wonder if you could work towards this, if you are not already, and whether you would find it easily if they just came and went without you caring about them...just acknowledging that these thoughts come and go and represent nothing.