View Full Version : Cut By Random Guy On Street. Health Risk?

19-08-14, 15:28

I hate to post another topic. But this has never happened to me before. I was walking on the street today and a guy in his 20's maybe bumped into me. Well I felt a sharp pain in my right hand on one finger.

I looked down and noticed my hand was bleeding. He cut my hand somehow. At first I just thought maybe I hit a watch he was wearing, bracelet, mp3 player or something. I was about to ask him what he had that was sharp but I didn't feel like making a scene.

Now I am worried this dude stuck me with a needle or something. It is just a scrape mark about an inch long now that the bleeding has stopped. I knew I was cut as soon as I hit whatever it was I hit. Maybe a corner of his watch, keys in his hands or a bracelet?

I hate to be all paranoid and all but it got me thinking. Could I catch something like HIV this way? I guess worst case scenario he could be a junkie and just got done using a needle and still had it in his hand? He looked like a gay male and sleepy or high.

I feel like maybe something is wrong with me. Am I OCD or something because I cannot let go of this accident. If he was indeed a junkie who just did drugs and had his needle still in his hand could I catch HIV or would he need to do a full injection.

Man life can be weird. The reason why I am up so early is because I am staying at a youth hostel. The guy in the bed above me brought a girl back to the room and started having sex above me. I did not want the bed to collapse or to have fluids leak on me.

I would have been asleep in my bed but now instead I am at Starbucks posting this message. In all seriousness I recognize I might have a real case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder after doing a lot of research on it. But I still feel like I have a real exposure to a potential ill health issue from this brush up with a stranger. What do you guys think?

19-08-14, 23:27
Hi mate.

Think your overthinking it and I'm sure it's nothing.

I've had similar worries in past:

When at a party when I was 13/14 I put my hand down back of sofa and cut my finger. Not sure what on, but as the friend who's house it was had an older sister who was going out with a lad known to be bit of a dope head, I assumed it must have been from a discarded needle....! Managed to talk myself out of it but for a while it was a concern!

There's lots of urban legends about people who go around injecting people with HIV and I think it's just that... Legends, most people aren't that messed up. Even if they were, whilst transmission rates are higher for needle use than sexual transmission, I think that assumes sharing needles for drug use, whereby you are injecting into your veins. A scratch on the surface of your skin, is not going to be the same risk of transmission as intravenous drug use...

In short, think its nothing but if you're concerned go and get tested in a few weeks. Sure it will be fine.

20-08-14, 00:11
I think it very unlikely someone's covertly injected you with something. That is unless you've got on the wrong side of the CIA or Mossad of late.

Perhaps it might be worth getting a tetanus jab just in case, but even that's probably unnecessary in all honesty. I do think you can rule out a poisoned umbrella job. :)