View Full Version : Need more tablets

19-08-14, 17:01
As u know I've changed docs just been today for a new patient health check and I asked for more tablets they said I can't get any without a repeat prescription which I didn't have then they said I need an appoinment with the doctor but can't fit me in until Thursday but I've ran out I don't know what to do

19-08-14, 17:25
you could possibly try your local A&E.

Take care,

19-08-14, 17:37
A and E how will they give me sum tablets

19-08-14, 18:21
Don't go to A&E.

Did you explain that you have run out?

19-08-14, 18:30
When I had this, I phoned the surgery, asked for an over the phone consultation with the duty doctor and voila prescription.

It's not like you're phoning up asking for benzos...

19-08-14, 19:01
Yes nic I told them I ran out she didn't care

---------- Post added at 19:01 ---------- Previous post was at 19:00 ----------

Thanks teej

19-08-14, 19:16
Yes nic I told them I ran out she didn't care

I think I would have had an argument with them at this point and demanded to speak with the practice manager. It appals me that discontinuation syndrome is taken so lightly by the doctors dishing these things out.

I'm reasonably certain it says on the advice leaflet for the medication to not discontinue except under medical advice. I'd certainly be asking if it was their advice for you to abruptly discontinue your medication.

Makes me cross having been through this myself before.

19-08-14, 19:25
I think I would have had an argument with them at this point and demanded to speak with the practice manager. It appals me that discontinuation syndrome is taken so lightly by the doctors dishing these things out.

I'm reasonably certain it says on the advice leaflet for the medication to not discontinue except under medical advice. I'd certainly be asking if it was their advice for you to abruptly discontinue your medication.

Makes me cross having been through this myself before.

I know makes me mad too

19-08-14, 20:01
if you have had your prescription filled a few times at the same pharmacy they may be able to give you some to tide you over.
Mine certainly did that for me when I was caught short.

19-08-14, 20:12
Oh right thanks I will try that then elen

20-08-14, 18:37
I hope you were able to get your meds straigtened out..That is horrible. It is bad enough we go thru so much taking these meds..The last thing you need is added anxiety..I hope things work at for you..

20-08-14, 18:49
Thanks yes my mum went into boots the chemist and the tablets were there so all sorted now thanks every one for the advice