View Full Version : constant burping

22-12-06, 13:45
Hi all,
I havent been on here for soo long now I used to be on here a lot worrying about a lump in my throat. Anyway I eventually came to terms with it and my anxiety and life settled down.
Three weeks ago my life was turned into chaos again. After living in temporary housing for tweo years a house came up and the last three weeks have been so stressful in terms of moving and money etc. Its all beginning to settle down now and the stress of the last few weeks has calmed down.
Anyway as its all calmed down my anxiety has started to creep back very slowly. A few days ago I had that dreaded feeling of being on egde for no reason and my body felt as if it was waitng for something to happen. I dismissed it and carried on as normal and it went.
For the past week I have been burping on and off but the last two days it has been constant. I'm fine when I'm lying in bed but the second I get up I'm burping away all day. I dont have any other symptoms of indigestion etc and its almost as if it doesnt come from my stomach but just from my throat.
Of course I have gone and googled it. I remembered that burping can be a sign of cancer and now I'm really worried I have something seriously wrong yet again :(
I'm going to be worrying all over christmas :(

22-12-06, 13:53
Hi. Try not to worry. It sounds like you are under a lot of stress. When you are anxious, it is possible to have the sensation that you cannot swallow, to feel as if there is a lump in your throat and to swallow air. You are probably swallowing air without realising it which is making you burp. Please try not to worry about it, and have a lovely Christmas.

22-12-06, 15:22
dont worry - i get this as well and its only anxiety.

like you it comes from the throat and not my stomach - try sipping peppermint tea. Also try to press your tongue against the roof of your mouth at the front just behind your front teeth - this can help relax the back of the mouth and throat.

........life is for living not just for surviving

22-12-06, 18:15
It could be that you are swallowing too much air maybe. Are you overbreathing atall?


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

22-12-06, 18:47

It seems as if your anxiety didn't come out of nowhere, moving is so stressful and for people w/ anxiety even more so. I agree w/ Nic, it could be that your anxiety is getting to you and you aren't controlling your breathing therefore swalling an excess of air.

Retrace your life in the past month or so and when we allow ourselves to think rationally about things it almost always boils down to our anxiety.

If you continue to worry why not make an appointment w/your doctor just to put you at ease.

"Be The Change You Want To See In The World"...

Take Care of You,


22-12-06, 20:31
thankyou for your replies :)
I dont feel as if I have been overbreathing . Oh god unfortunately I know all about the difficulty swallowing, lump in throat feelings as that was my major issues around two years ago. and TodayI have been worrying so much I now have that feeling of food sticking in my throat yet again :(
Darkangel thanks for the advice will give it a go. I thought it was just me that had gone mad, it does come from the throat and not the stomach and thats what makes it really strange. This is really getting me down I thought I was over my health anxiety but it seems it was just sitting there in the background :(