View Full Version : Wisdom tooth recovery has set my anxiety off

19-08-14, 21:31
Hi everyone

I recently had some oral surgery (impacted wisdom tooth) and it's really set my anxiety off. My mind seems to be skipping from worry to worry, from complication to complication and from anti-biotic side-effect to anti-biotic side effect in an effort to really freak me out! Can't seem to keep my anxiety in check and just needed a bit of understanding and support so I thought I'd come and visit my friends on here. Just need a bit of encouragement really. I'm getting so sick of being terrified about every little ache and pain :( I shouldn't have read the anti-biotic side-effects leaflet earlier!!!

M x

20-08-14, 13:40
I can remember having a impacted wisdom tooth removed years ago.
I can understand it setting your anxiety off.
I am sending some hugs and hope you will feel better soon:hugs::hugs::hugs:x

20-08-14, 13:52
I had all four wisdom teeth removed through surgery and GA two years ago. I also work in a hospital where this procedure is done more-or-less everyday.

Wisdom tooth removal is one of the most safest surgeries going. The antibiotic dose is so small that it is only prescribed to AVOID infection in the wounds.

When did you have them out?

20-08-14, 18:32
Hi guys

Thank you so much for your replies :)

Rennie - I had my tooth out on Thursday morning and it took them an hour, it was a really complex one they said and they even kept the tooth for teaching purposes :/ You are really brave for having 4 out at once! Were any impacted?

The antibiotics have been making me feel really under the weather but I only have 2 more tablets of each to go so will be finished with them tomorrow morning. YAY!

Today I am feeling a lot chirpier and have been eating much better and feeling much more positive. I just want the anti-biotic side-effects to go away.

M x

---------- Post added at 18:32 ---------- Previous post was at 18:31 ----------

By the way - I'm pain killer free now which makes me very happy :)