View Full Version : Nightly VIVID nightmares and waking up with heart pounding! Help?

20-08-14, 07:52
For the past two weeks, I've been experiencing broken sleep like never before. I'm getting only 2-4 hours each night. I feel so drained and weak though out every single day now.
I'm having constant vivid nightmares about either me dying or coming close to it or other people I care about either dying or moving on in life happier, more at peace and more successful than me and leaving me behind, all alone. It's mostly the horrible ones premised on death that I keep having to fight off, though.
I'll wake up immediately afterwards and my heart will be pounding out of my chest and racing to the point where I think it's either going to stop or explode. This will either take me directly into a really bad and long lasting panic attack or keep me wide awake for the rest of the night/day once I calm my heart rate down. It's also accompanied by this weird, uncomfortable adrenaline-like explosion sensation in the center of my chest and sternum area. It's so far beyond scary. It's absolutely frightening!!
It's driving me insane. I can't keep such a hectic and disturbing schedule like this up. I'm physically and psychologically running on E at this point

What's going on here?? Does ANYBODY know? I'm at my wits end and I'm so desperate for some answers....
Thank you all in advance... And be well!

During waking up/panic attacks :
-pounding/racing heart
-heart palpitations
-skipped beat sensation
-I shake violently like a leaf
-cold and clammy/sweaty palms and feet
-tight chest
-uncontrollable racing thoughts
-temporary paralyzed feeling

Somebody phase help?? :/ this is a living hell....

20-08-14, 18:35
I am sorry you are having problems sleeping and suffering from night mares. I often get nightmares too. I find it helpful if you can get into a relaxing bedtime routine. A nice soak in the bath, cup of chamomile or lavender tea. Listen to relaxing music as you go to sleep. If this doesn't work then I suggest speaking to you doctor about it.

20-08-14, 19:18
I very often have vivid dreams too but they are generally just really weird. But when they are nightmares I wake up in such a shock and feel so scared and my heart racing too. If you're extra stressed during the day that's generally when I get more frequent nightmares so try to remove as much stress as you can (easier said than done I know!)
A couple weeks ago I even heard screaming between waking up and falling asleep which was pretty odd, so I know how worrying it is as you have no control over your dreams!

Hope you find more restful sleep soon!

blue moon
21-08-14, 12:45
Are you on medication,If so it may be that causing this to happen

Petra x

22-08-14, 02:34
Omg! I feel as if I wrote this msg me if you want to talk maybe I can help ��