View Full Version : Numbness tingling

20-08-14, 09:51
I keep getting tingling in my hands and feet and also a numb heavy feeling? I'm really worrying about this now it's been going on for a few weeks. I'm
Not sure if my fingers are numb cause I can feel them they just feel heavy! :(

20-08-14, 10:45
I've got that today. Tingling in my fingers and was prickly on my left arm last night. I kept checking for a rash but nothing and it's gone today. Are you on medication?

20-08-14, 10:49
I changed my medication 2 weeks ago and it didn't agree with me (sertraline) so I've gone back on Citaolopram 40mg after being off it cold turkey. I thought that May be the reason why because of withdrawel but my brain zaps have gone the tingling haven't :/

20-08-14, 10:52
I started medication (sertraline) only 2 days ago so could be related. I've assumed it the medication as I never had it before. Maybe others can offer some insight?

20-08-14, 10:58
Not sure - I would of thought my body would have sorted itself out by now. Though I do now chopping and changing meds isn't the best idea