View Full Version : Arms falling asleep easily, pins and needles

20-08-14, 15:38
This is a new one for me. Sure I've had it before the odd time where it quickly goes away, but this week its been frequent for me to wake up in the night with one or both arms tingling/numb. Doesn't happen much during the day, but of course the more I've been worried about it I feel like anytime I sit in a position too long now I feel it starting to happen. Im freaked out because Im going on a trip soon and don't want to be going numb sitting on a plane or ruining my trip because Im worried about this being due to a heart/circulation problem or MS or something. I have been feeling tense muscles in my upper mid shoulders now too, but I can't be sure if thats the cause or whether thats something that I've developed in addition because of being worried/focused on it for so many days now.

20-08-14, 16:51
Hi Radiancia,

I felt like this too. I think if you're anxious you are more aware of it - it probably happens all the time. Once my anxiety fell down a little bit I didn't notice it as much.

I had the same thoughts as you. Cheer up! :)

20-08-14, 18:51
I feel the same except I am twitchy not pins and needles. I'm ok when I'm busy and walking it doesn't happen. As soon I rest it happens. I'm going to the doctors tomorrow. I'm very tired lately but I think worrying doesn't help.

20-08-14, 19:54
I get tingly feet and aches and pains in my legs and arms. Before I had a massive breakdown last October...I did get numb/heavy arms. I'm trying to be rational about it, and telling myself it's the anxiety but it's hard not to believe it is something more serious.

20-08-14, 20:24
Did you go to the doctors xrachykinsx?

Do you mean breakdown as in depression/anxiety?

Hope you're feeling better now x

20-08-14, 20:38
Yeah, I had terrible GAD which resulted in depression too. I went docs when in the depth of my anxiety and doctor was quite convinced the tingling was anxiety. I'm no longer on meds, much much better mentally, just started getting pains and tingling feet again . I've just posted a thread in health anxiety area if you want to read xx

20-08-14, 21:23
Thanks rachykins I'd love to read it. Do you have a link?

I'm so pleased to read you're feeling much better! Anxiety is horrible and isolating. You feel like he only person in the world walking round with a black cloud over your head - too afraid to enjoy anything good in case something comes along to destroy it. Feels like I'm never going you he happy.

You are an inspiration if you gave overcome this do much


---------- Post added at 21:23 ---------- Previous post was at 21:22 ----------

*to be happy

21-08-14, 02:04
I feel the same except I am twitchy not pins and needles. I'm ok when I'm busy and walking it doesn't happen. As soon I rest it happens. I'm going to the doctors tomorrow. I'm very tired lately but I think worrying doesn't help.

Yeah this is me too, it seems a lot better, or at least a lot less noticeable when Im busy and doing other stuff. The problem is I cant be rushing around 24/7 so whenever Im sitting and relaxing I start to notice it.

---------- Post added at 01:04 ---------- Previous post was at 01:02 ----------

Hi Radiancia,

I felt like this too. I think if you're anxious you are more aware of it - it probably happens all the time. Once my anxiety fell down a little bit I didn't notice it as much.

I had the same thoughts as you. Cheer up! :)

Thanks, its reassuring to hear other people here have had similar things. I do wonder how much of the tingles and pin prick feelings Im just noticing because I pay more attention, but the falling asleep definitely has been more than usual. As always its hard to believe it could just be anxiety or something, and the travelling soon exacerbates it, I fear going away and something health related popping up (or getting worse) and not being close by to my doctor who I can see almost immediately. I dont want to be on vacation and freaked out about something like this!

21-08-14, 22:08
Have you been to the doctors about your worries? I know what you mean I am always worried when I am still and start twitching. I want to go to the doctors but at the same time I'm scared about the results.

22-08-14, 19:54
Have you been to the doctors about your worries? I know what you mean I am always worried when I am still and start twitching. I want to go to the doctors but at the same time I'm scared about the results.

No, I always go back and forth on it too. Im always scared of starting a whole series of other tests and appointments and all the anxiety that goes with that. I want the reassurance of hearing its not anything bad, but you cant always get that in one quick visit.

22-08-14, 20:33
Hi Radiancia

I know what you mean. Just having the tests is a whole load more anxiety! I went to the docs thismorning about my twitches. They focused more upon health anxiety and dismissed the twitches. I think what if it's serious and they've missed it?!
I get very tired with anxiety just have no energy to do anything. Do you feel the same?
My docs are organising some CBT which I hope will help. How would you feel about that?

22-08-14, 23:11
Hi Radiancia

I know what you mean. Just having the tests is a whole load more anxiety! I went to the docs thismorning about my twitches. They focused more upon health anxiety and dismissed the twitches. I think what if it's serious and they've missed it?!
I get very tired with anxiety just have no energy to do anything. Do you feel the same?
My docs are organising some CBT which I hope will help. How would you feel about that?

I've been on this road a long time, and rationally I know *most* things go away by themselves. I have to control the urge to run to the doc everytime - I'd probably wanted to go 4-5 times this year, but I went just once for a full check up. But knowing its *usually* anxiety doesnt help everytime a new episode of symptoms comes up and you're in the thick of it! Therapy might help one day, but I dont have the money for it now.

22-08-14, 23:17
You are coping very well if you have managed not to run to the doctors every time! Gish I've been three times in three weeks.

What has been your strangest symptoms?

I'm do glad of this site. I had someone recently call me mad - in a jokey way but it still hurt

---------- Post added at 23:17 ---------- Previous post was at 23:17 ----------

Excuse my predictive spelling mistakes!

23-08-14, 01:43
Arghh well just now I've noticed my index finger getting a bit shaky when I was using my phone so now Im freaking out again. Oddly I've never been worried about MS and the like before but now thats my main preoccupation.

You know I cant even remember the list of things I've been scared I've had. And I dont know that I've had any particularly strange symptoms, but I get lots of aches and pains that last a few weeks - they're all very real and very scary at the time and I have to work through them - its a major hurdle everytime. Having sharp shooting pains in your uterus for example - how can that be just normal? Yet wait 2 weeks (and go through endless worry) and it subsides. But each time is just as scary as the last when you think "no but THIS time its something really worrisome".

23-08-14, 01:49
Hi try not to worry about your finger. I was speaking to someone and the doc said that their shaky hands is due to anxiety.

Yeah I understand about new symptoms feeling the worst. But if you know they normally go away then that must be done relief?

24-08-14, 17:25
Yeah but thats the thing about the anxiety, no matter whats happened in the past, there's no reassurance in the moment...although I agree that if it is a symptom you've had before then yes, it does seem easier to cope with because its familiar and you had experience with it. But funny enough its rarely repeats - even after all these years there are still new episodes! Like my arms are still falling asleep at night - less frequently (not every night and not 3 or 4 times a night) but now I feel it in my leg during the day, after sitting it feels like my leg/foot starts to go tingly and I have to get up and move. And since Im flying in a few days it worries me a lot since I'll be sitting in one spot. I hate this especially at times like this, I want to enjoy my vacation not be feeling like this, not being able to trust my body.

28-08-14, 03:10
How are you doing Radiancia?

18-09-14, 19:54
How are you doing Radiancia?

Hey, sorry I was on holiday. Yes, okay but different. The first half of my vacation was hard at times, the arms falling asleep happened almost every night the first week. It took a lot of mental power to wake up and try not to worry about it all day. The second week the arms falling asleep started to happen less frequently and now Im going on about a week without being awoken with frozen arms so thats good - at least if its happening less its not getting worse.

Although now my main worry is while that has stopped the shakiness/trembling of my fingers and hands seems to have become my main concern. I've been noticing the last few days when I use my phone or hold a newspaper etc my fingers are a bit trembly at times which is freaking me out. If its not one thing it quickly changes to another!! And this whole summer season has been like this..one episode to the next. And of course its always something new and scary.