View Full Version : What can I ask the GP for?

20-08-14, 16:56
I'm going to the GP in half an hour or so. I was referred to occupational health because I was struggling (lovely boss and I want to be helpful at work rather than rubbish so I think we're on the same page).

Occy health recommended I go home immediately (couldn't stop crying through my appointment with them) and pointed out that I was currently isolated and without a support network because I've stopped speaking to my family temporarily as they make me a lot worse (not their fault, they have problems of their own, but still...) and I live alone.

The Occy health guy told me to go straight to the GP and ask for immediate support, but I don't really know what that means. I don't really want to go on medication because in the past it has made me worse over time (my problem is mostly with emotional inhibition rather than being too emotional, so the numbing of emotions makes me worse...). I don't really want to stop crying because I never cry and I kind of think that's the problem...I think crying it all out will help...

But I get what the guy means. If I'm isolated it's only going to get worse. Can I ask for someone to talk to on a short-term immediate basis? Is this just for people who are really bad? I'm not sure what to ask for basically...

20-08-14, 18:22
You could ask your GP to refer you for counselling. It think that with talking therapies you may be able to release more of your emotions. :hugs: