View Full Version : what do i di?

20-08-14, 22:46
Hey guys, i kniw i post alot of times and im sorry if i annoy anyone.

I just really dont know what to do anymore. I just feel like im losing everyone. My sister isnt talking to me and i dont know why. My dad isnt replying. Im getting distant from my friends and it is scaring me.

Also, i dont know whether or not to keeo posting? I just want people around me that arent negative. I hate feeling like this and i hate annoying you all. :'(

I just want a few friends, a few xuddles and maybe advice if possible? Tjank you for taking time to read this. It means so so much to me right now. Xxx

20-08-14, 23:04
Oh Hun I know u are having a hard time at the mo :hugs: family's can be hard work but we. Are all here for u. U r not annoying no one

Catherine S
20-08-14, 23:15
Have a:hugs: hug from me too Soph


20-08-14, 23:20
Thank you spuder. I just cant stop crying.... i might just stop posting. I cant upset or hurt anyone then.. :'(

Thank you for everything spuder. You have been there for me so much lately I appreciate that so much. Xxx

---------- Post added at 23:20 ---------- Previous post was at 23:18 ----------

And thanks I still believe. Thank you for tonight too. Xx

20-08-14, 23:21
Thank you spuder. I just cant stop crying.... i might just stop posting. I cant upset or hurt anyone then.. :'(

Thank you for everything spuder. You have been there for me so much lately I appreciate that so much. Xxx

---------- Post added at 23:20 ---------- Previous post was at 23:18 ----------

And thanks I still believe. Thank you for tonight too. Xx

Hey it's ok Hun u have helped me too :bighug1::bighug1:

20-08-14, 23:26
Aawww i hope i have. I am always here you know that right? I just really need a cuddle rigjt now. I cant stop crying. Xx

20-08-14, 23:32
Don't ever stop posting, it's what everyone is here for! So sorry you're feeling like this, I hope things get easier for you soon. Know it probably doesn't feel like it but you'll come out the other end stronger and everyone here is here for you!

21-08-14, 01:55
Thanks Kimberly. I just feel like ive wrecked everything. :'( i will try my best hun. I am trying really hard. :'( i just want this upset and pain to go away... :'(

---------- Post added 21-08-14 at 01:55 ---------- Previous post was 20-08-14 at 23:39 ----------

Great now i just lost mt best friends friendship... could my night get any worse?... :'(

21-08-14, 03:55
I'm sorry- I understand how you feel. I'm also going through some family things and my friends are drifting away as it's hard for me to go out and have fun when I feel so lost personally...and things are strained between me and my best friend because of a disagreement between me and her father (he was my landlord and I had to move out, which made him angry even though my lease was up).

Anyway - life is hard sometimes. What is the cause of the strain between you and your friend? Is it something that can be repaired? In my opinion, if it is a strong friendship worth saving, something could be done. If not, it may be time to move on as terrifying as that seems.

It may be silly but being an avid reader I like to imagine my problems as just plot twists. If I envision my entire life as one big story it makes it easier to deal with and a little bit more exciting as well.

Obviously we are here to support you and you are not burdening us at all. We've each got problems and experience and can help make each other stronger with support and advice. Feel free to post or chat anytime :blush:

21-08-14, 11:06
Thanm you poppy. That means a lot trust me. Thank you for saying i can talk anytime. Hugs back to you as i kniw how it feels. :*

21-08-14, 11:39

21-08-14, 12:22
If anyone is reading this can you please give me a cuddle? If not dont worry just feel like i have no one. :( thank you everyone for everything. Xx

21-08-14, 12:34

21-08-14, 18:01
Thank you. Hugs back x

22-08-14, 00:18
Everything will be allright, you'll see! :bighug1:

22-08-14, 00:43
I hope so hun. Thank you. Can i just say a massive thank you to everyone who is giving me support. It means so much. I know some of you are suffering too so i appreciate it more. Your all amazing. Thank you!! Xx

22-08-14, 10:55
Hi soph, yeah it's never nice. Some of my family don't speak to each other. You've not done anything wrong for this to happen to you. Just want you to know you're not alone :hugs: family can be a huge pain the backside. We don't know whats going through their minds but I promise you it's definitely not your fault.

I'm in a similar situation with my dad, I don't live with him and I don't hear from him or see him much.
Oh, and I'm sure everyone will agree we're not annoyed by your posts infact we all love to hear from you :D

22-08-14, 11:10
Ryan's right Sophie. I'm always happier seeing you posting and talking than not.
Everything's harder on your own.

22-08-14, 13:25
Thank you Ryan. Im sorry your going through similar to me. It is horrible isnt it? Thhank you fir comforting me guys. I just find it hard. Especially as im moving out soon. It is scary. Im scared to be alone. I dont know if i can do this alone. Thank you for saying i sont annoy any of you.

And oosh thank you. You have helpes me a lot lately. I owe you one seriously xx

22-08-14, 15:04
The good thing is that with student halls you'll never really be alone. Do you know where you are staying yet? At my uni they have Facebook pages so you can meet your flat mates beforehand and feel a bit more confident. They also often have student buddy type people on site to help out new students settle in. I'm also moving out soon and I'm a big baby about being alone so if I can do it you can too!

22-08-14, 22:00
Yes i di kimberly. I move out on the 13th sept. But go on hols first on the 8th. Thanks for the advice xx