View Full Version : Two Panic Attacks in 2 Hours :( Rant..

20-08-14, 23:06
Grrr..... Very annoyed.

I'm not on meds at the moment and trying to get through this via CBT and group therapy.

I had two panic attacks today, one on the way to the group session, and one half way in, in front of everybody.

I managed to hold it together but I keep feeling like i'm never going to go back to normal...

I got my first panic attack 6 months ago and add onto this Health Anxiety, Depression etc... this has all escalated this year and is taking its toll on me!

Can anybody relate? Tight chest, light headed, head in a vice, VERY cold hands, stiff neck, stiff shoulders, back muscles are completely rigid.

This time my neck was pulsing and aching! I was (in that moment) CONVINCED I was having a stroke.

Why do I keep doing this to myself every attack and not convince myself it's just anxiety?

I've probably had at least 20 severe attacks by now, and I still think "next time it's going to finish me off".

When actually I have a undiagnosed decease and that is the reason for these so-called 'panic attacks'...

I feel victimised by it, why me? What have I done to deserve not just the years of social anxiety that ran up to this point, but now have to deal with these panic attacks. I almost feel like 'is there an end to this suffering?!'.

Sorry for the rant! Panic hasn't been in my good books lately and i'm trying SO hard to not google health symptoms or go back to the Doctor, and fight this on my own.

20-08-14, 23:08
Awwwww :hugs: anxiety is horrible isnt it u need to go back to your gp and ask for meds

21-08-14, 07:35
Panic attacks are very unpleasant, it makes you feel so weak and angry at yourself for not controlling your own body. It's like how can something so innocent feel so awful? And when you're in a panic it's really the most difficult thing to calm yourself down. But it is possible!

What have you been taught at cbt and group therapy so far? These skills are essential for panic attacks. They really really helped me and although i still do suffer from panic attacks, I can calm them down a lot more quickly. As soon as the panic rises, breath slow and calmly with a longer breath out and just do that and concentrate completely on that until it subsides. It's hard to begin with as you mind is screaming noooooooo I can't just think of that I must protect you you are in danger listen to me! But ignore it and just breathe. Once you come out of a panic attack calmly, you will feel a lot more confident about them and some of the fear of them will diminish.

Next, you have to figure out your triggers for panic in the first place. My mind has a few certain thoughts that automatically send me into a panic and I've been practicing my cbt and being mindful so that when those thoughts arose, I just do my very best not to listen and react to them.

Eventually I think these negative thoughts that cause panic will be dealt with through therapy, although I'm not at that point yet! But have come a long way from debilitating panic attacks very frequently.

On and I'm not on any medication at all, I have too much of a phobia to take anything. So although it may be a little more difficult going it without medication, it's absolutely possible!

21-08-14, 16:07
Thanks for the replies. I am really trying to get through this med free if I can!

I had another attack earlier today, this time with chest pains and tightness - very scary! Once again my body takes over and convinces me it's a heart attack. Also had pulsing veins in my vision in both eyes :(.

I went to the Doctors earlier, they measured my heart beat, put my index finger in one of those pulse reader machines, and did a thorough reading of my blood pressure.

Mine today was 125/80 (about 30mins after the attack started to go away). That's not the worst BP ever but could be lower. I have barely exercised in the last 12 months which could explain it.

So, moving forward i'm going to slowly bring exercise back in and keep attending support groups, i'm also having weekly CBT sessions 1-to-1 with a therapist.

I cannot believe anxiety and panic can do this to a person! :)

13-09-14, 20:21
Just a quick follow up. I did start a daily exercise regime (walking/jogging for 1 hour a day). It actually very quickly boosted my mood. I definitely felt more in control of my body. I was still getting palpitations at night, but not full blown anxiety.

Unfortunately I 'burnt out' and over worked myself. It's definitely going to take motivation to keep this up. Because panic attacks are tiring me out and I feel sluggish all the time, I feel exercise is going to tire me out even more.

One positive - my migraines briefly reduced to 1 in the space of 10 days! :) I'm usually getting them every 3-4 days so exercise is doing something beneficial.

Since I have stopped the exercise my panic attacks have come back with a vengeance. Guess i'm putting the running shoes back on tomorrow!

up a ladder
14-09-14, 09:28
Hi. I would have thought that your 125 BP was okay, but I am not sure how old you are and I am no doctor.
I know where you are coming from on the no meds idea, but I spent 2 years doing that and after a small dose of Citalopram life got so much easier and helped with the process. Each to their own and you know yourself better than anyone.

Good luck with your progress.