View Full Version : How to travel with HA?

21-08-14, 01:25
Okay so here's the deal, I booked a cruise back in January, before all of this anxiety hit me and it's coming up in October. I should be excited that it's almost here but all I can think about is how my anxiety is going to affect me on my trip. I went on a short weekend trip last weekend and I did have a lot of anxiety while on it but I got through it better than I though I was going to. I'll tell you some of the things that cause my HA, when I get really stressed I get that lump in throat feeling and this is the cause of a lot of my anxiety, I also worry anytime I have any kind of little pain in my body, I worry about what will happen if we are not close to a hospital, my anxiety also causes a bit of dry mouth from time to time and this adds to my anxiety. Have any of you had to go on with your vacation even with your anxiety? How did you do it? And how did you enjoy it? I want to enjoy my cruise, not just get through it. Help please!!!

21-08-14, 08:42
My advice would be not to travel with HA. Leave him at home, he doesn't deserve to come!

In all seriousness I was really worried about going to the Caribbean a couple of months back. However I was able to control it and I still had a great time. Maybe the rum-punches helped.

21-08-14, 16:44
I agree, he shouldn't be able to come along! Lol. You're response did put me a little ease though, it's nice knowing that someone else went on vacation and was still able to enjoy it. :)

21-08-14, 16:56
Just leave him at home. With a bit of luck if you're gone long enough he'll either starve to death or go and annoy someone else. :)