View Full Version : Had travel vaccines today scared!

21-08-14, 02:40
Ok so I'm going thailand on Saturday .. Iv been so stressed past few weeks about the trip plus some other things iv actually lost 8 pounds ... Anyhow soooo my friend reminded me I need vaccines to be on safe side so today I had hep A/typhoid in one arm and tetanus/diptheria/polio booster in other arm and one of arms is in lots of pain like the worst dead arm ever... However iv been feeling anxious about the idea of loads of different diseases coursing through my body .. Plus I don't want to go thailand as I have convinced myself I am going to die out there of some tropical disease or crazy accident or one of my planes might crash ... Feel really tense atm. Guess I'm just writing this down to vent my fears

21-08-14, 02:59
Yeah but think about how good the food will be as you take that last bite ;)
LOVE Thai food!

Have some curry for me will ya?

Positive thoughts

21-08-14, 03:07
Lol fishmanpa!!! I adore Thai food too especially this spicy seafood soup that I always have it's amazing... However impending dvt or other horrendous what if is kinda detracting from my food enjoyment atm ��

21-08-14, 04:06
Vaccines don't give you the disease, they just let your immune system know what the disease looks like so it is prepared to fight it IF it were to get into your system (big IF).

Keep in mind that the combo vaccine booster you got is given even if you don't travel to Thailand, so it's something you'd need to get anyway :)

You may feel a little crummy - or you may not - just because your immune system will be more active than normal, but you'll be just fine in the long run.

Enjoy your trip!

21-08-14, 21:44
Hello poppy... yeah I do feel a bit crap like tired and headaches boo..... this holiday unflinching closer 2 more sleeps! Really wish I went going atm. X

23-08-14, 00:24
Try and think of it this way - of the millions of people who travel to South-East Asia every year, very, very few ever contract anything severe. You've had your vaccinations and that means you're at less risk than many people who choose to travel without them.

You're also unlikely to die from any crazy accident if you don't do anything silly. For example, don't get so drunk that you can't make good decisions, and don't get on the back of a motorbike. Most crazy accidents in South East Asia occur when people are REALLY drunk or on a motorbike with no protective gear or helmet.

Thailand is a gorgeous place, full of lovely people, delicious food and fun experiences just waiting to happen. And I'm sure you know that already :) Enjoy your trip! It's going to be amazing!

23-08-14, 02:16
Hey thanks for reply felt a little better about the vaccines today ... There is little fear of me being drunk an doing crazy things I'm a non drinker lol guess my main fear now is plane crashes or a DVT they are one of HA biggest fears anyway an now I'm gonna be travelling nearly 24 hrs :-( I think I replace one fear with another I'm abit crazy like that :-/ xx

23-08-14, 02:55
Regarding DVT, statistics say it occurs in 1-2 people in every 1000 people. And there are certain factors that increase your risk (e.g. being over 40 years old, having had recent surgery, smoking, obesity). If you don't have a lot of risk factors then it isn't likely at all for you to develop DVT, even if you are taking a few long haul flights. However, I understand your anxiety, and it doesn't hurt to do some things that help reduce risk on a flight anyway (even if DVT is highly unlikely). It might make you feel a bit better if you do some things recommended for avoiding DVT on long flights.

Try and get up from your seat and take a quick walk every hour or two whilst you are on the plane. Even better, try and get an aisle seat if you can (I always request an aisle seat!). This means you can stick your legs out straight into the aisle instead of keeping them bent and stuck behind the seat in front of you the entire time. And you won't feel bad for getting up and down so often :)