View Full Version : food!

22-12-06, 17:53
Last night I went to a chinese restaurant and today I feel terrible. I feel anxious and paranoid, and I'm sure its down to the MSG (monsodium glutamite) in the food.

I had been doing so well since starting citalopram last Sunday. Today I have had pains in my left side, which I convinced myself was my appendix but actually I'm now thinking this is my irritable bowel!

I am never eating cheap chinese food again!

"Smile Like You Mean It"

22-12-06, 18:07
It could be that you aren't used to all the different foods that you had last night.

Drink plenty of fluids to wash everything out.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

22-12-06, 18:29
Thanks Nic, am now weeing lots so hopefully its leaving the system!

Another thing - when I drink, I can feel the drink going down my body and feel it spreading around, does anyone else have this?

"Smile Like You Mean It"

22-12-06, 18:37
Hi carala

**,when I drink, I can feel the drink going down my body and feel it spreading around, does anyone else have this?**

Yes, I have felt this many, many, on and off. I just ignore it.

Some foods do disagree with people, you have to learn to know your own body, were food is concerned. The food you had will not harm you, but will make you feel, mmm crap.

Write these foods down, leave then out for awhile, then try then again and see how things go, if you feel the same, then dofo the food.



Fear is the darkroom
where negatives are developed.....

When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conqers fear...

22-12-06, 18:42
Thanks Jill - thought I was going mad about the drink thing, I notice it more when its a really hot or cold drink!

I know its the MSG, it can give you mad dreams and stuff. I will keep away from anything with it in in future!


"Smile Like You Mean It"

22-12-06, 19:04
Hi Carla.

Yes, hot and cold drinks does it for me too. I put it down to my anxiety being a little higher than normal, and you know what happens when that happens, we notice every little bl**dy thing.

I have asked none anxiety sufferes about this and they feel it to sometimes. As part of learning to recover I did ask none anxiety sufferers about some of my symptoms and I was suprised that they said, they got the same symptom, but at a lower level, mmmmm food for thought.



Fear is the darkroom
where negatives are developed.....

When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conqers fear...

24-12-06, 00:15
food is a bad anxiety trigger which is worse at christmas...my cupboards are jam packed with crap (for huubie & daughter family etc)...i had a chinese last night which really made my stomach bad this morning..spent all day 'fasting'now worried anything i eat over xmas will make me ill....
its such a trait with me ...but am angry the chinese gave me a bad tum as its kind of put me off everything else

24-12-06, 12:13
mooks, I know what you mean! But it will be so hard to resist eating all the nice food...

I'm just going to take it steady. Hope you feel better x

"Smile Like You Mean It"