View Full Version : I think I have glandular fever..

21-08-14, 11:54
Okay, so I have been suffering with tonsillitis for nearly a week now. I've had penicillin for it but they don't seem to be swelling down. When I went to the GP to get them, she said it may be glandular fever or may turn into it. Right now I'm convinced I have it because I have such awful stomach pain! It won't go away and I don't know what to do with myself. I know there's nothing you can do for it but I'm thinking of the worst case scenario that I'll die or something. I just need some reassurance because I'm so panicky right now and just want all of this to go away :( :weep:

---------- Post added at 11:54 ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 ----------

Okay, looks like no one can give me reassurance..

21-08-14, 12:02
Hi Emily - without sounding harsh nobody here can give you reassurance. We're not doctors and for us to tell you 'no you haven't got..... or yes you have got....' wouldn't be right. If you're really concerned honey, I would make another doctor appt and explain you still have swelling and aren't feeling any better. They can advise you. I know lots of people who have had glandular fever and although not nice, nobody ever died. Tonsilitis can be nasty too and I suffered loads when I was younger - sometimes it can take a while to clear up. Hope you feel better soon :hugs::hugs: xx

22-08-14, 23:55
Whilst glandular fever sucks and makes you feel pretty awful, it is extremely unlikely that you would have any serious complications, and even more unlikely that you would die from it. If you are really this worried about dying from glandular fever it's important that you chat to your GP about it. Your GP sees cases of glandular fever ALL the time, and she will be able to give you any information you need and reassurance :)