View Full Version : Breathing!

21-08-14, 09:56
I've been struggling for the past week with that classic anxiety symptom of feeling like I'm not getting enough air into my lungs. I don't feel panicky about it but I'm starting to get frustrated by it and making it worse. I'm now at the stage where my chest, back & shoulders are hurting and I'm getting shooting pains all over my upper body because I'm so tense. I know the opposite is true & I'm probably taking in too much air (which is why my chest feels bloated) but I still have the need to take in a sharp intake of breathe every so often which doesn't satisfy... infact it hurts. I'm starting to feel absolutely shattered by it.

I manage to sleep without doing this and I can get through my exercise classes without any breathing difficulties so I know there isn't an underlying health issue (I think :doh:). I'm really after some hints & tips of others who get this and what they do to control their breathing because it really is starting to get unbelievably uncomfortable. Thanks guys! xx

21-08-14, 14:09

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

25-08-14, 05:27
I think relaxation exercises can help with this and Mindfulness meditation would be useful as well because you may use breathing inductions to get that started and then practice meditating & Mindfulness whilst you maintain normal breathing.

I also have asthmas which makes my issue with this a problem because I don't know which is which. I'm thinking of trying Buteyko to see if it helps with breathing retraining to help with both issues.

You may also want to look at Hyperventilation Syndrome (HVS) which might provide some useful information. There is a thread about it somewhere on the top tips or therapy boards I think.

26-08-14, 07:58
Thanks Terry. It seemed better for a day but was back yesterday. The only time I get any relief from it is when I'm lay flat & I sleep without any issues. Even when I wake up in the morning I feel refreshed but then it just hits me. Again, it feels a bit better today & I'm resisting the urge to take deep breathes in. I'm still getting the urge because it feels like I'm going to stop breathing!!!! I know I won't. I can go for longer periods of not doing it so I guess that's a good thing. Strangely I'm not overly anxious or panicked by it. I just find it hugely uncomfortable & it's starting to irritate me!!! xxx

27-08-14, 05:09
I don't know if this helps, and I'm not sure if this is what you have because this breathing thing is very common, but have a look at sensorimotor breathing. It's a far of OCD, over overlooked, and whilst this may not be you, it does offer some advice on how to deal with it and that might help you:


The reason I say it might not be what you are experiencing is because you don't feel a compulsion to do it, you are doing it because you are worried about lack of oxygen which is more the symptom of anxiety rather than anything specific. If that makes sense?

I only came across this a few days ago, it's a good article and I'm thinking that it might make an interesting read for some people experiencing breathing & swallowing issues.

27-08-14, 12:02
Thanks again Terry. That was an interesting read. I openly admit that I do have OCD tendencies but strangely enough that isn't what makes me anxious. It isn't extreme & it's just the way I am.

My breathing is alot better today. I resisted the urge to take sharp intakes of breath yesterday & instead I inhaled through my nose to a count of 6 & exhaled to 7. Repeated this 3 or 4 times every time I felt the urge. Today my chest doesn't feel so tight & although the urge is still there it's nowhere near as bad. The colour is returning to my cheeks and I feel alot brighter.

I've hated this 'phase' and it has made me take a look at myself. I'm always rushing around & my brain (unbelievably there is one in there :)) is always on the go. I don't have time to breathe sometimes..... literally, & there lies my problem. Time to slow down I think. Thank you again. xx

28-08-14, 21:17
Hi Meche,

Out of nowhere, this appears to be a new anxiety symptom for me!!

Just when I learn to deal with one, it gets to about August/September time and I appear to just pick up a new symptom!

Last Thursday I was sat at work and I suddenly because aware of my breathing, totally out of the blue. I'm trying to not panic about it but it's really tiring me out. I keep having to take a deep breath which feels like a real effort and the over-breathing is really making my chest, back, neck and shoulders ache. So I can certainly sympathise with you!

Now I've obviously made something of it, I wake up feeling fine and one of my first thoughts is "how is my breathing?" and it starts again. So my new challenge is to work through and get over this symptom, joy... :roflmao:

29-08-14, 06:02
I agree, the more you rush around, the more you will be tempted to slip into bad breathing routines. The Mindfulness would help there.

The nose breathing is how Buteyko retrains breathing as well. It helps me. I think there must be something in that.

I have various forms of OCD and I can say with some of the touching, with some I feel anxious if I do them as opposed to if I don't. I think it can be the underlying GAD in my case that drives things like this so that I already feel anxious anf just continue at the same level regardless of certain OCD rituals.

11-08-15, 13:52
Hi meche (and all other users on the post),

I know this is an old post but I'm glad I came across it as it has totally made my day! I have been suffering from this for a while now and find it absolutely TERRIFYING + exhausting and debilitating - I've had asthma tests which proved all clear and I could not bring my self to believe that it could be an anxiety symptom! The same as you, I don't believe that im actually 'anxious' but the only thing making me anxious is these damn breathing/heart symptoms!! Such a nightmare!!! I'm so reassured to know that at least one other person in the world has gone through this, and knows what it's like to wake up and think 'how will my lungs behave today?' the joys!! I hope reading this hasn't brought up the problem again if you'd managed to get rid of it, but if not, were there any things you found you could do to help relieve yourself? thanks in advance xx

11-08-15, 14:02
i get the same thing off and on and my oxygen levels are fine! all anxiety related. gives me peace of mind knowing we all get it and it will pass. .... relax...... :)

14-01-16, 21:04
I've heard somewhere slight thiamine deficiency might be involved in hyperventilation syndrome. And I know from experience that my worst anxiety days are when it feels like I can't breathe with my diaphragm and instead have to use my neck/shoulder/upper back/chest. Absolutely horrible feeling, I hate it. It's also accompanied by an extreme lack of relaxation, just no way to rest. Fighting the urge to take a deep breath is exceptionally hard. :/