View Full Version : Religion and Anxiety

21-08-14, 11:05
So for past week or so I've been thinking a lot (way too much) about so many things. And because of my intrusive thoughts about death along with sudden fears about it. I started thinking a lot about religion. My family believes in god but we're not really religious. But my grandmother is and she gave me some bible literature as a teenager and I still have it today. I don't know why but thinking about it and reading and researching online has caused on and off cold flashes of fear. It's the freakiest thing. Is it because my nerves have being pretty bad this week? I'll admit religion (as I became a teenager) is something that has always seemed overwhelming and something so bigger than myself. It's kind of intimidating in a way. I had bible studies as a kid but it was only for a few months an it wasn't a bad experience. Anyway the perfectionist in me has always been hesitant on the subject because I don't want to commit to something so important then do it halfway and be a waffler. Does anyone have any thoughts about this? I'm (okay) exhausted by all deep thinking I've been doing.

22-08-14, 03:58
Ruminations are common with OCD, and probably with anxiety & depression in general. You start to look at your life and question things, what is the point, what have I done, etc.

Could it be that your increased anxiety is just feeding this? It's worth following the same processes to reduce anxiety disorders in resolving ruminations e.g. Mindfulness meditation, distractions, CBT, etc.

Religion is a very big subject and its just like trying to examine your place in the world or the point of life, etc. It can be a destructive thing with these disorders because it can fuel low moods and anxiety because you feel it more emotionally than say a deep thinker would.

22-08-14, 04:24
Yeah I think my anxiety is feeding it. I'm stuck in my head dwelling on it and religion at this point with me reading and thinking about it feels overwhelming and intense. I'm going to try to get out of my head a little bit.