View Full Version : The Ups and Downs of panic attacks

spatial awareness
15-08-04, 23:47
I always find it amazing how up and down my life has been the last few years. My panics started about 5 years ago (I still dont know why), and since that time I have been up and down so often, its hard to think long term sometimes. I was at my most consistent during my years on paroxetine, but when I stopped, everything went into a bit of a spiral downwards.

My panics are based around a fear of being sick (well, thats how they started out life as). Its funny, cos since starting my panics, I have actually been sick once. I was sick in China after eating some dodgy jiao zi (delicious dumplings) and I was in a dodgy hotel. What was mad was that I started feeling sick and freaked out. I was panicking all night...

Then, suddenly, I was sick, once. It came up, and it was all over. It didnt taste as bad as I remembered, and it was all over soooo quickly. But cos I still felt ill, I was still panicking...

The next day, I felt a lot better, and got back to a nice town and a nice hotel. I thought, "thats it! I've done it now. Maybe thats closure!" But no. The fear was still there...immense fear.

My usual panic is based around a thought that I will be sick, and obviously I panic and feel more and more nauseaus. This will continue past the actual attack until I can fully take my mind off it, but I usually feel depressed for some time afterwards. I had one just before, even though I've had a great week with loads of improvements, and it feels like a setback.

I can always tell when I am doing well, because the thought just doesnt come into my head. A few weeks ago (before I had my huge breakdown) I was on the bus coming home from work and I was thinking "I just wish I could sit on this bus without reading or doing something to take my mind off it". (Recently, and when times are bad, I take a magazine or book everywhere, just in case I need something to take my mind off the panic). And, I sat on the bus and just thought about nothing in particular and I was sooo happy. Then, I got home and a couple hours later I started panicking so much that I was up half the night and that was the start of all the horrible week that I had...funny how these things turn out...

Caz Fab Pants
16-08-04, 22:36
Sadly it seems to be the way this problem works, just when you have it under control it flares up and scares the pants off you.

I think its true to say you learn to live with panic and anxiety rather than cure it. I dont think its ever completely gone, when you've experienced it once there's always a chance it will happen again. After all the whole 'fight or flight' feeling is an inbuilt instinct so its never going to go. However as long as it doesn't cripple you or prevent you from living your life then you're doing ok.

Hope you're feeling better.

Caroline :)