View Full Version : Can't find a girl..

21-08-14, 15:54
..and I've hadn't had someone in a long time..

The thing thats been putting me down lately is the fact I can't find a girl to date to save my life. It depresses me that my 3 best friends from highschool are all married and have kids. I mean I'm happy for them but the fact is I didn't think I'd be the only one that didn't have any of that at this point of my life.

I've been in a couple relationships a long time ago but apparently whatever I had back then is gone because I've been alone forever now..

One of the differences back then was you had girls from high school and college to talk to but now it's like I don't know anybody except my family and close friends.

I've been to the bar but all the women there aren't really into my type as alot of them seem to be more on the one night stand side instead Im here to find people to date. Plus Im not a huge talker so bar setting kind of throws me off.

This is seriously stressing me out. I hate sleeping in my bed alone. I wish I had somebody there with me. All my friends are like don't sweat it dude but its easy for them all to say because they all again are married and have kids.

Ugh this sucks..

21-08-14, 16:00
Do you work? That is usually a good place to meet somebody (although I'd tread carefully there).

Also, I think it depends on the bars that you go to. A classier bar may attracted classier people. But remember that not every girl at a bar (no matter what bar) is looking for a one night stand. Set your bar high!

Places of interest, like a library, museum or event is great too because you can meet somebody who is like minded to you.

There is also the dating site avenue, which is where I met my husband.

21-08-14, 16:04
Have you tried online dating?

I know it's not for everyone but it can give you the chance to get to know someone a bit before you meet them without the pressure of an on-the-spot conversation. It also allows you to set up a profile that makes it clear what you are looking for in a relationship.

Even if nothing happens (and it might!) you'll get to widen the circle of people you know - even if it's just in the virtual world.

21-08-14, 16:05
Hi , the right girl will come along when u least expect x

21-08-14, 16:16
Im scared of the dating online sites as meeting somebody who you only talked to online freaks me out as I don't want to disapoint them when we first meet.

As you can tell from that my confidence is at an all time low.. I use to have confidence coming out of high school but I don't know where that is now. Maybe because I havent been with anyone in a minute? Who knows why I feel like half the man I use to be?..

The problem I run into at the bar is the settings there kind of throws me off as the girls there usually have like a bunch of dudes all going for them but I dont think I can stick out from the bunch because I won't be the loudest.

Meeting someone at the library or museum or whatever place is interesting..

Yes I do work but theres no girls there.

Alot of my issue comes from not having much confidence because I havent dated anybody so long.

---------- Post added at 15:16 ---------- Previous post was at 15:11 ----------

Hi , the right girl will come along when u least expect x

I use to think that way but as each year goes by.. that sort of thing kind of goes away. Ive come to a point where I want to find a girl. As that girl i want to fall in love with isnt finding me. :(

21-08-14, 16:21
I agree that its most likely to happen when you least expect it.
Try just chatting to people in general,when you're waiting in a queue,for a bus etc,just making small talk in general,that will help a bit with the confidence perhaps?
Have you got a hobby or interest,or something that you really wanted to do but haven't?
Meeting like minded people is always good to do,and you never know who else you might meet.
Sorry if all this seems to sound a bit trite! Its just that life is so unpredictable, you really don't know what's in store,but getting yourself out and about as much as you can has to be the beat start :)
Good luck!

21-08-14, 16:28
I met my wife online. Yes, it's uncharted territory and you'll deal with all sorts of BS (Have I got some war stories! ~lol~) BUT... if you tread carefully and go in with no expectations, you may be pleasantly surprised.

Try joining a club that has to do with your interests. A book club if you read, a hiking or outdoor club if that's your thing. This way, you're already on common ground and it will be easier to talk to someone. I agree, bars are NOT the best place to find love.

My Chiquita came along when I least expected it. Interestingly enough, I felt the same as you for a long time. Maybe I unconsciously came off desperate or something... I don't know. It was when I finally resolved myself to being alone and totally Ok with it was when it happened. Being on my own for so long and finally accepting and actually enjoying the solitude was a huge turning point for me personally as well. I was happier and it showed. Perhaps that was a lot of it.

Positive thoughts

21-08-14, 16:35
Im a huge nerd. I play video games alot along with card games. haha Theres not alot of women in that field..

21-08-14, 16:53
Im a huge nerd. I play video games alot along with card games. haha Theres not alot of women in that field..

Go to Comic Con.... It's a nerd fest to the Nth degree ;)

Positive thoughts

21-08-14, 16:53
Well try online but with the intention of making new friends that way there is no pressure and just see what happens x

21-08-14, 16:56
Im a huge nerd. I play video games alot along with card games. haha Theres not alot of women in that field..

You'd be surprised!

22-08-14, 06:51
How do you make a profile picture on here?