View Full Version : Canker sore that doesn't go away

22-08-14, 11:42
I have a canker sore on the back side of my lower gum. It's about 3 mm in diameter (1/8 inch). It's been on my mouth for about 4 or 5 days now. It is a bit painful and at the same time I feel a dull pain under the left side of my chin, I guess it's an enlarged lymph node (or perhaps one of the salivary glands?). I'm afraid that it might be oral cancer. I've never worried about canker sores, but now I'm scared. I don't drink, I don't smoke. Should I worry and visit my dentist as soon as possible anyway?

22-08-14, 12:33
Give it a couple of weeks before you run off to the doctor/dentist. Sores happen in our mouths and it takes time for them to heal because it's a dark moist place.
(And don't poke and prod it!!)

Positive thoughts

22-08-14, 13:24
Give it a couple of weeks before you run off to the doctor/dentist. Sores happen in our mouths and it takes time for them to heal because it's a dark moist place.
(And don't poke and prod it!!)

Positive thoughts

I usually get them two or three times per year. I think this is the first one this year. I believe it appeared one or two days after I ate some toasted bread that, I believe, slightly injured me on that particular site on my gum. But this pain under my chin, right below the sore, is what is getting me more unstable. I've read that sores can cause swollen lymph nodes, maybe that's it. Well, anyway, I'll take your advice and wait a couple of weeks before taking further action. Thank you. I'll just probably rinse the sore with salt water as well, I've read that it might help - hope it does.

22-08-14, 14:42
I'm the queen of canker sores. I just had a monster on my tongue. Sometimes it takes a month for it to completely heal.

22-08-14, 14:48
Yes, a solution of 16oz of water and a tablespoon of baking soda works well. I used that constantly during my treatment as the rads burned my mouth and throat up. I added 5g of glutamine as well to help speed healing. Rinse every 2-3 hours.

Positive thoughts

22-08-14, 17:33
Organic unrefined coconut oil can also help get rid of canker sores.

22-08-14, 18:11
They take much longer than just a few days yo heal. I know from experience! :hugs:

22-08-14, 20:00
Probably just need to give it a bit more time to heal. I get a lot of these and it sometimes take a good week or two to heal.