View Full Version : Is anger a symptom of anxiety?

22-08-14, 11:52
Since moving back home upon finishing uni I've felt constantly angry and irritable. I feel like everything makes me want to scream. Obviously I don't, but it gets bottled up and then every night I just cry to let the anger out. Everything my Dad and his girlfriend do makes me angry and it's aways really stupid things like the noise when they walk around the house, when they talk when they're eating, the smell of food they cook etc. I know I sound ridiculous and ungrateful and I'm lucky to have a home, but I can't help my feelings. I love them, but I'm just angry. Even when they're not in, I'm on edge, because I know I'll feel the anger when they return. I hate feeling like this. Has anyone experienced this as a symptom of anxiety, or is this something completely different?

22-08-14, 11:57
I've always found, that for me, irritability and anger go hand in hand with anxiety and depression. When I feel like my circumstances are out of my control, that generally makes me irritable and I can lose my temper easily.

It sounds as if your living situation is causing you a great deal of frustration. Sometimes our anger and frustration is misplaced, when we feel that we have no control. Is living alone or getting a roommate and moving out an option? Sounds like that might help ease your frustration.

22-08-14, 12:01
Hopefully in a few months I will be moving out with my boyfriend. I start my full-time job in September so I will be able to save to move out then. It should only be a couple of months until I can afford to rent somewhere, but even 2 months seems like an age away when feeling like this.Thank you for the advice though. xx

22-08-14, 12:28
No doubt! For me, when check up time comes around and "scanxiety" starts poking me in the ribs, I get irritable. As my wife about it! ~lol~

Positive thoughts