View Full Version : DPD??

22-08-14, 13:09
Hi Guys

Not posted for quite a long time. I hope everyone in NMP land are well as can be. I have a question.....Has anyone been diagnosed with GAD along with either a Dependent Personality Disorder or even Traits? Does anyone think GAD is a chronic condition and can been seen as a hidden disability? Just curious as although I've had anxiety probably for around 20 years I always dismissed it as something enduring and I will eventually beat it. My view has now changed due to recent distressing situations. I now consider this as a disability and a long term chronic condition in which it can be managed but maybe never completely cured. I am a 40 year old man married with a 15 year old lad who has anxiety issues himself and I feel like that I am failing them....:unsure:

24-08-14, 00:29
Yes I think it's a chronic condition. I think you can lessen its impact on your life and your sons by encouraging a rational, calming internal dialogue.
You can take that everywhere you go and so can your son.
Cbt, mindfulness, there are lots of useful therapies to use to manage it.

I'm sure you're not letting your son down. You obviously care so I wouldn't say that sounds like somebody who's letting anybody down. :)

24-08-14, 19:47
Hi Oosh

Many thanks for your kind and helpful reply. I will keep these suggestions in mind and what you have posted is very much appreciated. I wish you all the best and many thanks again for your reply....

Best Wishes