View Full Version : Acne/rosacea?

22-08-14, 14:09
I have a sort of redness and rosy bumps and pimples on my cheeks and on the back of my scalp. It's been more than a year now since it first appeared and it hasn't gone away since then. When I was a teenager I didn't even have acne, my skin was all smooth and clear, so now that I am 29 I have this acne-like skin? A few months ago I saw a dermatologist that told me that there's no cure for this condition but he gave me anyway an antibiotic (minocycline) prescription to take daily for two months. Nothing happened, the condition remained exactly as it was before the treatment. Lately it seems to be getting worse, like more reddish and with more of these rosy bumps and pimples than ever before. I'm wondering what to do. I wouldn't like to spend more on doctors. I've been spending too much on doctors. Have you ever had this condition? Did you get rid of it? How? I'm afraid of oral medicines (I would never take that antibiotic if it were prescribed today - it has serious side effects on the liver). Thanks for any help you can give me.

22-08-14, 14:19
Junot, There is a cream called FREEDERM here in uk. It's very good for acne x