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View Full Version : Sorry (Second time today)

22-08-14, 14:55
Hi Guys,

Not sure what's going on with me today.

I've just suddenly gotten really paranoid over something that is an everyday thing.

My colleague just pointed out to me that my ears look really red and like they're burning up.

They do feel really hot and I have a bit of a headache.

I just googled it (the first time i've googled something in a long time) now i'm convinced i've got a serious infection.

Ugh I hate HA sometimes.

22-08-14, 15:00
I just googled red, hot ears. It is nothing sinister, lots of people get red ears. it's probably because you are anxious today. The more you focus on it, the hotter they will feel. Try to focus your attention on to something else. You are fine :D

22-08-14, 15:03
Thanks Primula,
I will try and concentrate on my job (which I should be doing lol) rather than these little things.
It's nearly the weekend, I should be happy! :).