View Full Version : hello and thanks

22-08-14, 20:43
Hi all
Just wanted to say thanks to the people responsible for the symptoms list et al, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety a few days ago and whilst the diagnosis in itself settled the head rush waves I was having that lead to my mind going off on tangents of ive got brain tumour blood poisoning and all the other mad conclusions your mind takes you too during the anxiety attacks, the info here helped to continue my ability to lessen the impact.
Whilst im not naive enough to think im cured by knowledge and accept the waves may continue for weeks, months ...., I believe the info here hasat least stopped / delayed my holding my hand out for CBT or Medication in these early days and hopefully in the long term

Thankss again and I hope everyone conquers there foe whatever it maybe

22-08-14, 20:47
Just to say hi and welcome to the site :)