View Full Version : New from Massachusetts

23-08-14, 00:48
Hi everyone,

This is my first post. I've had dread/anxiety issues my whole life, constantly diagnosed as depression instead. Right now I'm really struggling, and need some support from someplace. It's just 24/7 dread, right under my sternum, burning me, and I have really withdrawn, I am pretty much agoraphobic although if I *have* to go somewhere, I am okay once out. "Anticipatory anxiety" says my new therapist.

I have 4 kids, a 14-year-old, who has ADD, and 10-year-old triplets. I love them to death but they make me nuts. I also have a bipolar husband, which is another conversation.

I don't know how much I should write so I'll leave it there for now.

Nice to meet you,

23-08-14, 00:56
Welcome, Karen! Wow, triplets!! You must be super-woman. I think depression and anxiety can go hand-in-hand, honestly.

I hope you find a lot of support here. I know I have.

23-08-14, 01:21
Thanks for the welcome. I think depression comes with anxiety very often, but I also think that doctors and patients alike have forgotten that sometimes it's just unhappiness - logical unhappiness at the state of one's life, or that they have an anxiety disorder.

23-08-14, 02:22
:welcome:Karen to NMP.

Triplets!!! Wow that's gonna stress anyone out!

As for the burning under the sternum sounds like acid/indigestion which can be physical or brought on by anxiety. Lots of anxiety sufferers have acid reflux and digestion problems.

I know that you'll find the information and the people on this site helpful and encouraging.


23-08-14, 02:32
Welcome Karen!

Goodness me you have a lot to deal with!! No wonder you feel down. Do you have anybody who could childmind for you now and again just to give you a break - even to sleep?

23-08-14, 03:03
I agree, sometimes we are just unhappy with the state of things and it's a normal reaction to our lives.

BTW glad to see another New Englander here ... I'm in CT :)

25-08-14, 11:43
Hi. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll benefit from being here, just as I have.