View Full Version : im scared

22-12-06, 22:46
hi i have been taking 20mg of citilopram 4 2 years for avxeity and depeession i decided to come off them i was off them 7 weeks then i went back down hill again i have a death phobia plus other phobias i started off with thinking i cant breath my throat goes tight and tensed up it really makes me think im going to die i get this feeling in my head that makes me feel awfull i no something is not right i feel like im not there i also check my breathing a lotive got aches and pains everywhere the dr says it will take 6 weeks to get in my system i just wonded if anybody else felt the same

22-12-06, 22:57
Hi there and welcome aboard - lovely to see you here.

All of these are common symptoms of anxiety and you can learn to get over them in time.

Have a good read on the website for some info and hopefully you can relate to the posts on here as well.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

23-12-06, 00:04
Hi I came off citalopram in the summer for 3 months.I felt terrible and relapsed.im back on them again,and feeling alot better than I was.

Ellen XX

01-05-08, 21:31
dont worry these feelings are "normal" for us sufferers.
i feel like i'm not here alot but i think to myself, hey if im not here then i can be silly, and kinda make a joke out of it!
if you do this it will go away quicker and make u laugh in the process!!!!
dont be afraid hun,
take care

01-05-08, 21:33
oh and if u feel like u cant breath, try breathing out of the corner of your mouth or thru ure nose!
also singing relaxes the throat muscles, so the feeling will go away quicker

12-05-08, 16:57
:hugs: dont be scared, i feel like this sometimes, it passes i promise. big hugs to you :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx