View Full Version : worried i might have torn my esophagus? :/

23-08-14, 14:29
this sounds really stupid but i was eating corn chips and i obviously didn't chew them enough because i felt a sharp one slide down my throat and it really hurt so i immediately grabbed some water to soften it and it went down but now there's a pain in that right side of my sternum and im really scared i could have torn my esophagus :( i know the symptoms would be shock, fast heartrate etc but i take beta blockers so im worried they could mask any symptoms of internal bleeding :/

my chst has a dull pain now but im not sure if it's a pulled muscle from running or something serious? what should i do :/ im alone in my house and scared in case i pass out or something im so dumb but really genuinely terrified :(

23-08-14, 15:17
If swallowing a corn chip could do you any damage I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be able to sell them!

You may have scratched your throat or something, drink ice water until it feels better.

23-08-14, 15:36
i've done this a lot, i'm sure it's just a scratch if anything.

24-08-14, 09:18
ok well it's the second day now and the chest pain seems to be getting better, there's a little pain when food is going down my foodpipe but no vomiting or fever, no fast heartrate or pain or swelling in my stomach which i think is what would happen if the contents of your stomach leaked into your chest. but my health anxiety is still forcing me to believe something is wrong or that I've cut the inside and that i should go see a doctor. should i just forget about it or should i see someone? that'll teach me for stuffing my face :/

24-08-14, 10:33
You don't need to see anyone, no. As you say, it's feeling better already.

It will probably be gone by tomorrow, these things heal pretty quickly.